New York City


Yeah, that's right.
The boss and I going to New York City on the 22nd because of work for a few days. NERVOUS.

Going to be staying about a mile and a half from the Nintendo World store. Not sure if I will get to go though, but I really want too. =(

Gonna be a long drive.
i live right outside the city. have to go in everyday this week for a class im taking for work. its super fucking hot everyday and every corner has rotting garbage that smells like shit. but all the girls are out wearing "i have great tits" clothes so i guess its worth it.
Welp I'm here and I went to Nintendo World store. Kinda lacking on the Zelda merchandise.
Supposed to be gone tomorrow morning. Not sure that's going to happen as verizon sucks at setting up internet.
I'm home now. We got an indian named JEFF who fix it for us this morning. Got out of there at around noon.
Lol, I work with an Indian guy named 'Abe'. I'm pretty sure his real name is Sevaraj Marashdeep or some shit.