Nintendo's little sex toy.



Has anyone else noticed that who ever came up with the revolution needed to get more sunlight? They have a onehanded controller that vibrates and has attachments. Perfect for dating sims or other things if this is the way they intend upon making it so people don't think there system is for little kiddies they are doing swell but the fact they are announcing titles that only a kiddy would enjoy is starting to scare me. Maybe they want more female gamers or maybe they just think that a one handed remote control for a controller is swell or maybe they are even trying to corrupt the youths. What ever their motives we know the results.


Sep 24, 2005
yeah, I mean, what is up with that? do they think that such an awkward deal is going to benefit them any?


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Could be fun


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Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
I'm not a "kiddie", and I'm uber excited about that controller. I can't wait to control all of Link's cool items with it, especially his sword and bow. Plus it'll be fun playing FPSs on it, and all the wacky other titles that undoubtably come out.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
I want to see the games, instead of just speculation.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
I can imagine that the Zeldas coming out would be pretty fun with it. The remote is not the only controller for it...right? I wonder what the other one looks like.


Registered User
Oct 8, 2006
probably something similar to the gc i'd guess. i'll take a guess that most games will depend on the new one though. if it really turns out to be as sweet as they want it to be then i'll probably buy a revolution. once again, the life of a console depends on the quality of the games made for it. revolution can be a POS or it could be the sweetest console in the next generation. it just depends on how well they use their capability. and of course if you're just a diehard fan then it doesn't really matter either way.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
The bigger question is if 3rd parties will support it.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
I highly doubt it, 3rd parties aren't supporting Nintendo anyway and with this new controller it won't make them more excited to do it.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
So there leads to the biggest problem. It's been proven since the Nintendo64 that Nintendo can't live off just first party support.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Yeah, I realize that. I think it could possibly do great things. But I also thought that with the DS. But in reality even with this controller would you rather buy a Nintendo Revolution with a limited selection of games or a PS3/Xbox360 with much larger libraries. I can't believe after 3 generations that Nintendo has done hardly nothing about its 3rd party support.


I think its getting to be time for nintendo to bite the bullet and just start making games for other systems and to stop raping mario.


Sep 24, 2005
they've been raping mario for games since the origional nintendo system. I'm not saying that all mario games suck, but just that there are WAY THE HELL TOO MANY OF THEM!


I would hardly call this controller innovative though because we've been using on on tvs for years and plus it just looks very uncofortable to try and move around on that controller with only one hand.


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
Well, there certainly won't be many multi platform games for the revolution, but I think lots of third party developers will put out games for it, because they can do stuff on the revolution that they can't do anywhere else. But, of course, when I think like this the DS comes to mind. Similar scenario, but where's the third party support? There are very few decent DS games that aren't first or second party titles. But, there are some 3rd party titles for the DS on the horizon that look good (Lost in Blue, Castlevania, Trauma Center, and maybe a few more that I'm forgetting.). Anyway... what was I talking about? Oh right, I don't think there will be many multi platform hits on the revolution, but I think we'll see lots of third party guys at least experimenting on the revolution with original IPs, or maybe some oldies.

But still, I don't think any real gamers would choose the revolution over the PS3 or 360 if they could only get one next gen console. Is mario and zelda worth missing out on great multiplatform hits? I certainly will get one, but I'm also getting a 360. But anyway, who knows what will happen.

As for Nintendo going third party. I can't imagine that ever happening. Even if the revolution bombed, they still make so much money from the portable market that they'll just keep going, and because they're very, very stubborn. /IMO
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Sep 24, 2005
yeah, I mean, innovative? they've had this "new technology" since before I was born! what, is the game format going to be on vynil?


eventually they will have to cut their losses and go third party they keep killing themselves slowly yet surely.