Nintendo's little sex toy.


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
I think Nintendo would rather just be portable only then see its IPs making money for Microsoft and Sony.


yeah but they can only rape mario so many times before he dies of exaustion. and when that happens they will be begging the other companys to put there games on there systems


Sep 24, 2005
and I will be there and I will laugh. I will laugh long and hard. twill be funny as fruit-fucking hell.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
The problem with being innovative is it will scare some third party companies. EA is easily the biggest 3rd party, and it whores pretty much all of its games to each platform. But with nintendo's being different, it would be much harder and probably cost alot more for them to port their games to it. Nintendo is too stubborn for its own good. It worried too much about piracy in the n64 days and gamecube days and it paid dearly for it. I wouldn't be surprised if the revolution uses some off the wall format. Or maybe they already mentioned the format. I hope they prove me wrong and this changes the industry, but as is I really can't see how they can create a lot of original games when it comes to pointing at the screen.

Don Francisco

Nintendo is not going to move to third party any time soon. Even though they obviously haven't been market leader, Nintendo has made profits on both the N64 and the GCN.
The big secret will be the Revolution's "normal" controller. If Nintendo doesn't screw it up, third parties will just port their games to that controller and will ignore the gyroscopic stuff altogether.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
I thought I read somewhere that they usually make next to no profit on game systems. Most of the profits comes from the games they sell.


yeah but as it is the system will come with one remote and one joystick attachment for upwards of 300 dollars now if you wanted to play 2 player thats another 30 remote and a 10-20 dollar joy stick. So it gets to being expencive for multiple players

Don Francisco

I thought I read somewhere that they usually make next to no profit on game systems. Most of the profits comes from the games they sell.
Yep, that's the normal way the industry works. As the years go on and the technology becomes cheaper it becomes easier to make a profit off the actual consoles, but that is usually offset by price cuts. However, Nintendo was able to make it so that they made a profit off every GCN sold from launch date. I remember reading a year or two back that Sony had reached the point that they were not losing money on each PS2 sold. Microsoft is still losing money on every Xbox sold.
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the remotes i find in stores cost less than five dollars i doubt they could charge 30 bucks and not make a profit

Don Francisco

Egon, it's more than just a remote. Besides the cost of manufacturing (which is more expensive than the cost of manufacturing a regular remote due to the gyroscopic technology), they also have to cover other expenses like R&D (which I'm sure was very extensive).


Yes but i doubt the final price goes over 20 bucks which means they probibly will be getting a ten dollar profit from each remote

Don Francisco

Yes, R&D for remotes. Nintendo patented the gyroscopic motions used in the remotes. To put it simply, that means they are the first to effectively combine the two. Trust me, that would take significant R&D.

Oh btw, this system is completely different from the ones used in lightguns. Lightguns track their position by the lines on a normal TV and from what I understand do not function on HDTVs.
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What I don't understand is if nintendos trying to be innovative why they don't start with their games they more or less just release the same games now zelda mario donkey kong and the lot same game only in different packages


Sep 24, 2005
yeah, the games are a lot less expensive to innovate, if they really did have to spend so much on R&D they could've just created a new character and made a diffrent game, as opposed to Mario party 5 and starfox 9 or whatever, and saved money while adding innovation.


actually theve allready done mario party seven i think the next one coming out will be eight


Castle Guard
Sep 25, 2005
and half of them are the same thing as the one before them but with better graphics.....


no not even better graphics just with 5 or six new mini games they crank out new ones


Castle Guard
Sep 25, 2005
sometimes they have better graphics. though usually they change nothing but put two together....


yeah but not majorly better graphics just a few upgrades here and there and different levels