i have to work early shifts this week, so i got up at like 7:00, went to work at 8:00 got home around 5:30, played Star Wars: Dark Forces a bit in virtual pc, played WoW a bit, then watched a few seinfeld episodes.
I never said I hated him.
I was just saying that he has awful jokes.
Honestly. <_<
We were talking about lab equipment, and we got to the ring stand. And he was like "I would put another ring on here, but that would be THE RING 2. LOL!"
he did with us last year. And yeah I know what you mean about his lame jokes but that is what makes Mr. Bassett such a great teacher cause at least he can joke around alittle.
That class is funny. Dunno why.
Maybe one reason is because we watched this lab video, and this dude got nekkid in the safety shower. Then this other guy was just standing there, staring at the dude showering in the open. Loloollll~