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I dunno, I like snow. It always gives me a warm fuzzy feelin whenever we get some.
It gives me the feeling of dread because then I know I have to shovel my damn car out and deal with some of the most unintelligent drivers.
Hmm. No. Ice is the worst. Snow is great. Normally means no work and we still have power. ICE HOWEVER is everything I hate.
I can work from home if I have to, but if the power is out I'd need to walk to work so I can use their generator.
But I don't get paid on dem days!

OK, how about in the interest of all parties, if I get any of that wretched fucking snow I'll send it down to you, Lulu? Then everyone is happy!

You can make your snow angels and I won't have to wake up early to deal with digging out my car!
heyy now <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/SHtjYTM64Jo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>