A: my sister's house Q: motocross or atv?
SuperAfroBoy Vertical Bacon Sandwich Super Mod Nov 10, 2003 5,129 Aug 1, 2005 Moderator #121 A: my sister's house Q: motocross or atv?
Bronson I'll need a badge. Nov 10, 2003 3,019 Aug 2, 2005 #122 Q. Motocross, I guess. A. Favorite Pink Floyd Song?
Joe Groose Senior Member Nov 10, 2003 8,719 Aug 2, 2005 Thread starter #123 A: Lol, you already asked that, and my answer remains the same. Q: Favorite Led song that isn't Stairway?
A: Lol, you already asked that, and my answer remains the same. Q: Favorite Led song that isn't Stairway?
Bronson I'll need a badge. Nov 10, 2003 3,019 Aug 2, 2005 #124 Damnit. I kinda thought I had. A. Misty Mountain Hop Q. Same question.
Logan Administrator Nov 10, 2003 13,301 Aug 2, 2005 Admin #125 A: I'd say misty mountain hop too, but for the sake of variety, i'll say trampled under foot. Q: Favorite slow led zeppelin song?
A: I'd say misty mountain hop too, but for the sake of variety, i'll say trampled under foot. Q: Favorite slow led zeppelin song?
Bronson I'll need a badge. Nov 10, 2003 3,019 Aug 2, 2005 #126 A. A tie between Going to California and Fool in the Rain Q. How many posters do you have in your room, and what are they?
A. A tie between Going to California and Fool in the Rain Q. How many posters do you have in your room, and what are they?
SuperAfroBoy Vertical Bacon Sandwich Super Mod Nov 10, 2003 5,129 Aug 2, 2005 Moderator #127 A: too many to count. my walls are almost entirely coverd. they're mostly women and games, a few movies. most are just things out of magazines. Q: what color is the floor in your room?
A: too many to count. my walls are almost entirely coverd. they're mostly women and games, a few movies. most are just things out of magazines. Q: what color is the floor in your room?
Logan Administrator Nov 10, 2003 13,301 Aug 2, 2005 Admin #128 A: Hmm...I think our carpet is SUPPOSED to be gray, but i've spilled so much shit on it and we're too poor to buy new carpet. So i'm gonna make up something and call it Brown-Gray. Q: Doesn't being poor ROCK?
A: Hmm...I think our carpet is SUPPOSED to be gray, but i've spilled so much shit on it and we're too poor to buy new carpet. So i'm gonna make up something and call it Brown-Gray. Q: Doesn't being poor ROCK?
Bronson I'll need a badge. Nov 10, 2003 3,019 Aug 2, 2005 #129 A. Yes (I thought I'd hurry up and post before Dave comes in and tries to act like he doesn't have money out the ass). Q. Best Southern rock band?
A. Yes (I thought I'd hurry up and post before Dave comes in and tries to act like he doesn't have money out the ass). Q. Best Southern rock band?
Bronson I'll need a badge. Nov 10, 2003 3,019 Aug 4, 2005 #130 Fine, since nobody liked my question, I'll change it. Q. Top 3 American bands.
Joe Groose Senior Member Nov 10, 2003 8,719 Aug 4, 2005 Thread starter #131 A: Ozzy Ozbourne, Tenacious D, and something else. I dunno what's American and what's not. Q: Guess what number between 1-100 I'm thinking of right now.
A: Ozzy Ozbourne, Tenacious D, and something else. I dunno what's American and what's not. Q: Guess what number between 1-100 I'm thinking of right now.
SuperAfroBoy Vertical Bacon Sandwich Super Mod Nov 10, 2003 5,129 Aug 5, 2005 Moderator #133 A: 48 Q: Nintendogs... good or bad?
Bronson I'll need a badge. Nov 10, 2003 3,019 Aug 5, 2005 #134 A. Probably bad Q. Number of keys on your keychain?
Joe Groose Senior Member Nov 10, 2003 8,719 Aug 5, 2005 Thread starter #135 Dude, that was crazy, that actually was the number I was thinking of. A: like 3 Q: Least favorite color?
Dude, that was crazy, that actually was the number I was thinking of. A: like 3 Q: Least favorite color?
Bronson I'll need a badge. Nov 10, 2003 3,019 Aug 5, 2005 #136 w00t I am teh number master! SAB was wrong though. A. Orange Q. Favorite Ben Stiller movie.
Joe Groose Senior Member Nov 10, 2003 8,719 Aug 5, 2005 Thread starter #137 A: Ben Stiller usually isn't funny, but I'd say There's Something About Mary. Q: If you could condemn Jack Thompson to one fate, what would it be? Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2005
A: Ben Stiller usually isn't funny, but I'd say There's Something About Mary. Q: If you could condemn Jack Thompson to one fate, what would it be?