

Yeah, that's right.

I've never heard of this game before, but saw it mentioned in a P/A comic. Looks like a pretty cool game to play with friends.

I love this game, I built a house around a guys house and made him my prisoner, I fed him cans of tuna and cooked chicken when it was available, and some times I would drop in spare logs of wood(when they were available). The best part. he talks to me, keeps telling me his clans going to raid my structure and save him.. I simply respond with .” It puts the lotion on its skin, or it gets the hose again” and by hose I mean I dump charcoal on him.
-Great game hope the servers come up soon, I think my pet may need to eat.

I'm tempted to buy it as I like the idea of it. Would anyone else be interesting in playing?
I saw some interesting lets play videos of this when it first was added to early access. It definitely looks fun but I'm into Starbound right now so I can't commit to another game.