So did anyone get a PS4 or XBONE yet

Yeah I dunno, I guess I just got tired of the formula. Maybe I was a bit harsh on it at the time, I did sorta play it at a time in my life when I was really not feeling video games at all. But let's be honest, at this point I ain't gonna track down a gamecube and give it another shot, so the verdict gotta stand.
Do ya gotta wii? They had it for Wii and it was fun. I liked Twilight Princess a lot. Midna is the best.
Only part of TP I didn't like was mainly the wolf parts. Other than, I thought it was great, especially once you unlocked all the special moves. Also have to give it bonus points for having fishing. Why doesn't Wind Waker?!
I have a PS4.

I likes it. The interface is much crisper and cleaner than the PS4 and just has an overall nicer feeling to it.

the games are pretty dry at the moment. Some of the free to play offerings are nice, but the best two PS4 games right now are Battlefield 4 (which is half broken) and Assassin's Creed IV, both of which can be had on current gen or PC.

I love my PS4, but I'd wait for spring when stuff like Infamous, Thief, and Metal Gear come out.

oh, and Dualshock 4 is the best fucking controller EVAR
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You know, since their release, I've only seen one new console out in the wild and that was an Xbone tonight. I haven't seen a WIi U in a while either. I think everythings selling pretty good.
Haven't seen any PS4 around at all, but XBone is everywhere. Buying one from Costco for $470 next paycheck.
There was a playable Xbone and PS4 at the game store the other day. The Xbone was playing Forza 5 - maybe I'm missing something but, I dunno, it kinda just looks exactly like any other Forza? Maybe a bit shinier? I keep hearing how amazing it looks. Yeah, I guess...but not like YO DAMN THAT SHIT BE OFF THE HEEZY. Killzone, AC4, and Ryse all look amazing though. Visually, anyway. Don't really wanna play any of them except AC4.
Killzone looks great but plays like total ass I've never played a more boring shooter.