Were you let down by the games ending?

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    Votes: 3 100.0%
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Nov 10, 2003
No real spoilers, but don't wanna ruin anything for anyone in the slightest.

Still say this is the best open world game ever. Leave it to Nintendo to take the big new fad in games and break the mold. It's the worst 3D Zelda story ever though. The main plot points were great, but sadly, the exposition was just so brief and second-rate. It'd be fine for Mario, but not Zelda, which has had some of the most charming and memorable stories to date. Characters, music, bosses, anything like that are so galvanizing to 90 percent of the people who read this, it's a shame this game doesn't really have those watershed moments on the theatrical and expository fronts.

tl dr version, best world and about every system in a Zelda game ever. Absolute worst story presentation, ending, and boss fights though. So generic that if you saw them in a vacuum, you'd never guess it was actually from a Zelda game.

Still a fantastic game, ending is just so miserable by the result of the juxtaposition to all of the games merits.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Well this game reminded me a lot of the first nes game and the story and explanation is about on par lol.

Shame really because outside the boss fights and the story everything else is near perfect.


Nov 10, 2003
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Travis Mii face at 0 secs = All of BotW till end
6-10 secs = actual ending
11 secs = ending score


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
I dunno, because if it wasn't for the lack of story and kinda meh boss fights, this game would have dethroned Ocarina of Time for me. Right now, Breath of the Wild easily sits in second place ahead of the rest of them, although sometimes I feel like its a 1a 1b kind of thing, but argh it was so close.


We'll bang, okay?
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2006
*Spoilers ahead. Don't read if you haven't beaten the main quest*

Couldn't agree more. I love the presentation of the bosses (open world, Divine Beasts, Shrine battles, etc.), but outside of the final battle with Ganon, none are memorable at all. They're piss easy and none resonate with you once the battle is done. This is a game where you can do a speed run and beat the game in around an hour. Sorry, but if you have a boss fight that Link 45 minutes into the game can beat, much less even get to the area, something is seriously lacking in the game. OoT, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword, while not better overall games than BotW (other than OoT), offer challenging fights that resonate with you. The battle with Demise in Skyward Sword is one of the best, and actually challenging. Outside of a couple open-world battles in BotW, I don't feel that way at all about the game.

I did enjoy the battle with Ganon at the end, but I think the entire thing was a load of crap. So, you spend the entire game releasing the evil and Hero spirits from within the Divine Beasts to get them back on your side. And, once the time comes, they just fire a big beam that takes half of Ganon's health? Sorry, that's bullshit. That's terrible execution to what was a beautiful set up. I do like that once the game is over, you can focus on other quests, but the whole plot with Zelda just seems so forced.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Remember Andrew hating this game ever since he heard Zelda's voice in the E3 trailer?


Nov 10, 2003
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Nintendo bout to sell us the same damn game again for 60 fuckin dollars
