the current situation


Nov 10, 2003
Travis said:
holy shit i did not notice he had 135 post. lmao.

Edit: as for my opinion. I like that we have new members, and activeness, but I've always been loyal to the members that have been here since the beginning. As requested I made a senior members for the people that have been here for a while, but it doesn't seem to be fufilling its purpose. I don't want to really intervene, I can hope that you guys will come to a happy medium.

honestly, i don't mind them being asshats in general. it gives me great excuses to act like an ass and make fun of them, and as my message boards with travis track record shows, it's always more fun when there is some kind of squabble (i.e. max at the dekuboards, or fags at zx, or jr here.)
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Don Francisco

Yeah. I'm not against new people. I like new people. I don't like these RPforum people coming in here and jacking these forums (even though I tried not to be too obvious about my discontent... ok, I got a little excited in the debate forum, so what?). Seriously, look at the posts made this week. Easily more than 90% of them were made by these people.
In any case, it looks like they're leaving so it's gonna be nice to get back to normal. Like Aaron said, the thing that keeps me coming back to XF day after day (besides the journal, of course) is that although we get on each other's nerves (or worse) every once in a while, there aren't any complete dumbasses and/or assholes here.
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Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
well, it adds a page to the XF history book, one of those things we can look back on.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
I think it'd be fun if you stayed, Egon, this site just couldn't handle such a large amount so soon. Also about the you think you could tone it down a little? You aren't really spamming but it's a high posting frequency.


posting is fun cause it scares the normal people since they are not use to high activity which is more or less a way of life for me.


Registered User
Oct 8, 2006
egonboy said:
posting is fun cause it scares the normal people since they are not use to high activity which is more or less a way of life for me.
go for it, kid.

frankly, the thing that really bugged me about all this is that i had invited a good friend as well to join in the trend and this shit was the first stuff he saw on these forums. stirring things up just just fine, just don't cross the line between activity and bullshit.


Registered User
Oct 8, 2006
pfft.. nah. he's still in germany for like another year i think. knowing him, mitch would probably join in the commotion. the person i invited was damien esdras - a halo 2 buddy. if he ever makes an entrance he can introduce himself.


Registered User
Oct 8, 2006
he's a missionary. of the mormon variety. ever see those guys riding around on bikes in suits and black nametags on? thats mitch in germany. preach and teach to the locals of hamburg, germany.

edit: he's been there for almost a year now i think. missions are 2 full years unless something comes up that prevents continuing. you'd probably have to be mormon to understand the reasoning.
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