The Lazy Reviewer Thread

Now that I've beat Deus Ex: Human Revolution, ima give it a IGN style scoring.

8/10 a true grab bag game. Had both things a truly good video game should have, and things that were completely ass.

+: Take downs are fucking amazing and should be in every game ever

+: The different approaches to completing missions were done right

+: great environment and atmosphere

-: story was par at best

-: voice acting (apart from the main character) was laughable

-: boss fights were just plain horrible, unimaginative, and annoying

Summing up: should be considered 3rd, 4th, or 5th best game of the year

I'd probably score it higher cause I'm a schmuck, but I'm getting the same vibes from it.
Dex Ex: Human Revolution - 9.5

Incredible game. Stands next to its predecessor with its head held high and it isn't afraid to be ambitious. This game was crafted with love, too. They keep the story fairly self contained for newcomers but its packed to the brim with winks, mentions, and nods to the original Deus Ex for the fans such as myself. Lackluster boss fights and technical problems keep this game from getting a perfect score, but Invisible War 2 this game is not. The endings are sort of lackluster but the after the credits scene sets the stage for the original Deus Ex in ways unexpected. I hope I don't have to wait another 11 years for a new Deus Ex. One of the best games I've ever played.
RAGE - 8/10

Graphics - Fucking incredible. Easily the most impressive looking console game I've ever played
Gameplay - Slow at first, but it picks up considerably in the second half. Has an old school Quake-like feel infused with modern gameplay elements. Weapons have multiple ammunition types and there is a crafting gameplay element that lets you create weapons and tools to aid your quest.
Sound - Soundtrack is pretty good, has a very out-west feeling, but the voice acting is pretty par for the course. Also, John Goodman in a video game?
Replayability - Moderately high. There are tons of secrets, minigames, races, and challenges to find out in the wasteland to keep you coming back.

The game's multiplayer component features Co-Op missions and car-based competitive battles, which are pretty fun distractions, but this is first id game I've ever played where I prefer the single-player experience.

On a more sour note, the game ends very, very abruptly in the middle of a pivotal moment. The ending, or what ending there is, is nothing less than a set up for an eventual sequel.


Took me about 5 hours to finish. Ties into the novel and the first game with name drops and character appearances, but doesn't really tie in with the main narrative that much. Great for fans of the series, but at $15 it's probably a pretty steep investment for casual players. On a positive note, the DLC's boss fight is done in the fashion of the original Deus Ex with multiple approaches and non-combat solutions, which is infinitely superior to the boss fights crammed into the main game.
TV show: The League - 8.5/10

Even if you don't follow football, you should be watching this show. There's only a small amount of football-related dialog in each episode, but there are a ton of laughs. The humor is very adult-oriented. Most scenes are improvised like Reno 911 or Curb Your Enthusiasm. The first season (only six episodes) is on Netflix instant stream, but the 2nd season (13 episodes) is available elsewhere (maybe Hulu plus? I'm not sure. I found it at The third season is going on right now. It comes on right after It's Always Sunny, and to this point, has been better this year. I recommend that everyone gives it a shot.
I've thought about watching it but wasn't sure if it was too funny. I'll try to remember to watch it after Sunny next Thursday!
Turnabout Jazz Soul/Turnabout Orchestra albums by Noriyuki Iwadare: 10/10

Ace Attorney music remixed into jazz/orchestral pieces. AMAZING.
Cheez-It Poker 10/10

Great game. Have to spot Dave constantly cause he eats all his chips! We need to do that again some time.
Record of Agarest War:

8/10 Very nice SRPG, but not as good as Disgaea. You will play this for hours and hours and hours...
So...I'm about 25 hours in but I'm gonna go ahead and lay a 10/10 on Skyrim.

The only other games I've ever scored a perfect 10 are Zelda:OOT and MGS3:Snake Eater (If memory serves me correctly.)

I could go on and write about how it's the most believable fantasy world ever and blah blah blah, but I'll just say that it is one of the greatest games I've ever played. I you consider yourself a gamer in any form or fashion you'd be insane to miss this.