The Lazy Reviewer Thread

Jay's ability at fighting games:


Bunch o' quickies:

Max Payne 3 - 9/10 - Superb narrative peppered with awesome cinematography and some of the best gunplay I've ever seen. Rockstar took Remedy's idea and pretty much perfected it. Multiplayer is fun as hell, and the replay value for the singleplayer is quite high due to the inclusion of collectibles and score attack modes.

Serious Sam 3: BFE - 7.5/10 - The game Duke Nukem Forever should have been. Classic FPS gameplay consisting of mindless enemies that swarm you in packs (and I do mean SWARM. Towards the end of the game there are quite literally hundreds of enemies on screen at once.) and bigass weapons that do tons of damage. Simple, but fun.

Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition - 8.5/10 - I can see why this game is so popular. The prospect of being able to shape an entire gaming world the way you see fit is quite enticing. I can see myself spending many an hour building kickass fortresses and stuff. This is a good'un.

Dead Space 2 - 8/10. Resident Evil 5's gunplay meets Doom 3's atmosphere. Campaign only took about 7 hours to complete (and I haven't tried the multiplayer yet), but it was a very enjoyable 7 hours. Got this game on sale on Steam for $15. If you can find the game around that price, the bang for the buck is sufficient for some space ass stomping.
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Chernobyl Diaries was about the most turd-tastic movie I've ever set my eyes on.

And the coffee in the theatre sucked. There was nothing redeeming about my movie experience Saturday night.

Much better than the main campaign. The level design is far superior, there are actual enemies to fight, new weapons feel great, and many of the jokes are legitimately funny. While still held back in some areas (Weapons from main game are mostly junk, pacing issues, graphical quality, randomly useless fetch quests, linearity) this is definitely a step in the right direction.

Snow White and the Huntsman:

I still hate Kristen Steward. Stop heaving your chest and you aren't supposed to cry when you finally defeat the bad guy you brainless idiot.
i saw the devil inside. it was really good. dont listen to the bad reviews and word of mouth. find this movie somewhere, pay for it and watch it. you will not regret it.
Mega Man: Legends (PS1)


A very charming game to play in this lack luster year of gaming. The Bonne family and servbots are great, and I always cracked a smile when they showed up. Has a good mild rpg quality, not to engrossing or to bare. However, the story (during the endgame) got hard to follow and the final boss was anti-climactic. Overall, a definite play to true gamers.
Lollipop Chainsaw


Didn't know what to expect with this one, but I was pleasantly surprised. The voice acting was great, the music was awesome, and the dialogue was hilarious. The fighting style was a bit flat, and the in game shop (to buy combos and upgrades) was kinda ass. I thought it was fun, but an action fighting game purist might not. Point is, it was funny and entertaining.
Lollipop Chainsaw


Didn't know what to expect with this one, but I was pleasantly surprised. The voice acting was great, the music was awesome, and the dialogue was hilarious. The fighting style was a bit flat, and the in game shop (to buy combos and upgrades) was kinda ass. I thought it was fun, but an action fighting game purist might not. Point is, it was funny and entertaining.

Well Im glad it played well, I was on the fence about buying it but I may do so
The mom wanted to go to Joe's Crab Shack today. Here's my review of it:

The food was terrible, the noise was ungodly, and the people were the ass end of society.
Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker
I thought it was a very good story. The animation was really good and the fight scenes were intense. It is most definitely worth watching.