The Lazy Reviewer Thread

I had a dream that SAB was trying to teabag me.

Thanks to SAB for putting the frightening image of him naked in my head.
Of all things, of all activities. Casey. Tea bagging? How many times has this happened to you in real life?

Casey's dream 0/10
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Resident Evil 6 demo
3/10 (1 for each campaign)

Another Capcom series headed right down the shitter.
As a RE fanboy from day one, I wish I could put a blinking green light around Andrew's post.

Capcom has successfully ruined the RE franchise. I mean, plot be damned, at least 4 and 5 were fun. 6 is shit no matter how you look at it.

Fuck you, Capcom.
Yeah, the Resident Evil 6 demo is utter shit.


Darksiders 2 - 9/10. A surprisingly deep action RPG. While the first Darksiders was good, Darksiders 2 is phenomenal.

Now I need to go back and beat the original!
Killzone: Shadow Falll(PS4)

it's pretty, but it's boring. So I guess it's pretty boring!

Killer Instinct (Xbox One)


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Final Fantasy X HD: It's Final Fantasy X in HD

Final Fantasy X-2 HD: It's Final Fantasy X-2 in HD
So just to rattle off a quick few reviews of PS4 games I've played so far:

Assassin's Creed 4: Great. Pretty much universally the best game in the franchise although the nostalgia factor for AC2 keeps that on top for me. Plays great, looks amazing. Still too many of those annoying eavesdropping missions though. 9/10

Infamous Second Son: Great. Super fun open world with crazy superpowers and amazing graphics. Too short but very fun. 9/10

Killzone Shadow Fall: Looks great (y'know what, every game looks great so I'm gonna stop saying that) but yeah pretty boring, no desire to play again. 5/10

The Last of Us Remastered: It's TLoU, prettied up a bit and with Dualshock 4. 10/10.

MGS Ground Zeroes: Really fun and full of Kojima's wacky shit but way too short. 8/10, would be 10/10 if it was longer.

Tomb Raider Definitive Edition: Re-release of last year's Tomb Raider for 360/PS3. Massive visual overhaul, much more so than TLoU. A fun game but tries too hard to copy Uncharted. Tries to establish Lara Croft's character but goes wayyyyyy too quickly from "oh fuck oh shit oh my god I had to kill that guy ahhhhh" to murdering hundreds of people without batting a pretty eyelash. 7/10.

Watch Dogs: Played for a few hours then returned it. I can't remember the last time I didn't finish a game I bought. It was just...I dunno. Really boring? It didn't click with me. It's hard to say. It wasn't exactly BAD per se, but I just really couldn't be bothered with it. No score.

Transistor: A really neat downloadable game. Awesome visual style, mood, and music. Story tries so hard to be enigmatic that it's almost non-existent. 7/10.