haha ill have a look at that sonic site when im home..
haha people keep looking over at my computer wondering wtf im readying..
my teachers watching LOST!.
Man. The people on this site are all like "oh yeah the media tells us how beautiful = skinny and all these young girls starve themselves to become sticks, that's not healthy, shouldn't we change the ideal of beauty?"
Yeah, you're right, young girls shouldn't starve themselves to be like catwalk models. That isn't healthy or beautiful. But you know what else isn't healthy or beautiful? Being a damn 400lb monster.
For the record: the average american woman is 5'4 and weighs 140lbs. The average supermodel is 5'11 and weighs 117lbs. The average person on fantasyfeeder.com is 5'9 and weighs 350lbs. (I made that last bit up but the first two are true ok)