

Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Go to urbandictionary.com and type your name in to look up and post what you get. This classifies you truthfully as a human being.

1. patrick
285 up, 101 down

Apostle and patron saint of Ireland; an English missionary to Ireland in the 5th century, Word often associated with people who are extremely well educated, successful in life, and good looking.

G, if you could only be Patrick


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Coffee, and an ordinary man

Which is odd because I do not drink coffee, and I am an exceptional man


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
See what I mean



Weeaboo Queen
Senior Member
Oct 15, 2006
1. baylis
6 up, 1 down

see 'goofball' . Also a person who drives a Volkswagon like it's hot shit, just by putting those custom European license plates on the front, and by putting on a large fart pipe, that makes the car sound like a weedwacker.

i lulz'd. funny part is, i drive a beetle. :<
though, in all fairness, there is no s on the end of my name.


Nov 10, 2003
A unisex name, generally male however, of Scottish origin. It means "little hollow."

Generally a man of great character, possessed of a fabulous sexual magnitism. Courageous, your quintessential knight-in-shining armor type


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
1. Mike
To screw up an IT system by making a configuration change without understanding the consequences.
The file server has been Miked

SAB was much more productive:
4. sab
an acronym for "slap a bitch"
camtf down, i dont wanna have to sab

5. sab
Sab means Stupid Ass Bitch
Man 1: Can you believe Mr Lemmon let me sit at the back of the class since i said shutup nicely?
Girl 2: He is such a SAB

7. SAB
Sexy ass bitch. An attractive or promiscuous girl.
"That girl is such a SAB"


The Assman
Nov 10, 2003
1. chris
486 up, 213 down

1. dude on family guy who is afraid of a monkey in his closet.

2. That dude who is always stealing your girlfriend, aka A Brad, or A Jeff... (common names for users)

3. The goofball in your high school that u used to remember.

4. St. Christopher, The act of putting one over their head or sholder and crossing a body of water. Have fun!
the myth that he was blessed when he took Jesus over his sholders, and passed a river. This makes for one of the best games ever. You can race, endurance, different stuff, but it makes for the best time ever if your bored as hell.

1, Chris, that dude on family guy is dumb as hell, but awesome.

2 That dickhead Chris stole my gf again.

3. Remember when Chris s*** himself in class?

4. Yo! Aaron! Lets play St. Christopher!

I thought this sounded funny:
6. Logan
15 up, 24 down

Human faecal matter,

i hung a logan and i squeese cheese. i did a poo and please come again

Reminds me of "Logan Cooks a turd"


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
travis 258 up, 129 down
hottest guy ever!!!! usually used for sexual pleasure, but not in this case.

Travis es en fuego!!

Tarvis 6 up, 3 down

n. One or more skanks in a group of bitches cockblocking your slut banging efforts.

s.) "Dude, you're never going to land your load on that slut's face tonight if you don't get that fat tarvis out of your way."

p.) The tarvis swarmed about her, a viscous horde silent in its vigilant watch. In its natural state the tarvis is a mere detestation, but once disturbed it rapidly blooms into an abomination that shits all over the party.

origin: "Cock-Blocking Tarvis!"
- Spray painted on a Boston area construction site.


I'll need a badge.
Nov 10, 2003
21 up, 5 down

The term bronson (AKA Bronson Juice) was first used in reference to a can of Coors Light. Surfacing around the summer of 2001 it has since been generalized to describe any beer that comes in a 30-pack.

Yo, toss me an ice cold bronson

Get off your lazy ass and toss me a Bronson, you hoser! The game is about to start!


The art of finding a reason to leave work early

That guy is pulling another Bronson by trying to make THE GREAT ESCAPE and get out of work early again, he must have DEATH WISH because when the boss catches on....


The act of shitting in someone's mouth, while they're not looking.

"Last night at a soiree i was the curious recipient of a bronson."


somebody who gets caught spankin thier ham to the computer.
Sometimes doesnt wake up till 2pm, and acts like a nattacia at times

my friend pulled a bronson yesterday and now his mom always knocks.


Southern Australian slang for the process of wiping the sweat from your ass crack with your fingers and proceding to smear it across the upper lip of a friend, workmate, loved one or enemy.

I just gave my girlfriend a nasty bronson, I dont think I will be kissing her for a few days.


I'll need a badge.
Nov 10, 2003
21 up, 5 down

The term bronson (AKA Bronson Juice) was first used in reference to a can of Coors Light. Surfacing around the summer of 2001 it has since been generalized to describe any beer that comes in a 30-pack.

Yo, toss me an ice cold bronson

Get off your lazy ass and toss me a Bronson, you hoser! The game is about to start!


The art of finding a reason to leave work early

That guy is pulling another Bronson by trying to make THE GREAT ESCAPE and get out of work early again, he must have DEATH WISH because when the boss catches on....


The act of shitting in someone's mouth, while they're not looking.

"Last night at a soiree i was the curious recipient of a bronson."


somebody who gets caught spankin thier ham to the computer.
Sometimes doesnt wake up till 2pm, and acts like a nattacia at times

my friend pulled a bronson yesterday and now his mom always knocks.


Southern Australian slang for the process of wiping the sweat from your ass crack with your fingers and proceding to smear it across the upper lip of a friend, workmate, loved one or enemy.

I just gave my girlfriend a nasty bronson, I dont think I will be kissing her for a few days.


We'll bang, okay?
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2006
Well, safe to say Bronson's is the best.

dave 108 up, 143 down

A Tucson, AZ local sexually transmitted disease, combining gonhoreah, syphyllis, AIDS, the HIV, herpes, hep, and other things that are too grotesque to mention.

Doctor - "I'm sorry, Clinton, but you have the Dave."

Clinton - "What does that mean?"

Doctor - "Your life expectancy is now two minutes."

Clinton - "Gack! (Drops over dead.)"

Doctor - "Of course, that was just an estimate."

Correction: Mine is the best.


Nov 10, 2003
its like daves avatar was dancing to this part of through the fire and through the flames.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Well Malmsteen is a crazy hardcore motherfucker

I think Satch and Vai should team up and just make their own damn game


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Guitar Hero: Crazy Fuckers version

Impossible to finish any song unless you have been blessed by the hand of Satriani