What Game Are You Currently Playing?


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
Are you serious? It's the first of the Thief series. If you haven't played any of them I highly recommend it.


Kept you waiting, huh?
Senior Member
Sep 1, 2010
Borderlands 2
Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Dark Souls


Mar 9, 2011
WOT u aint playin da ACIII

im anal when it comes to playing games im really excited for. i cant just pop it in and start playing. i need to plan a course of action. since i have a kid now its hard playing games for long periods of time. so i had a plan to stay at my parents house on fri night and give me and my wife a "break" from the baby for a night. also my parents have a media room with a huge ass projectors screen which i beat gears3 on in like 12 hours. so i was gonna have my mom watch the baby while i locked myself in the media room until the sun came up. but that plan got shot to shit when some cunt named sandy decided to drop a transformer on my parents street. now they wont have power for a long ass time. so in the meantime im playing another game until my master plan can be executed.


Dec 16, 2010
im anal when it comes to playing games im really excited for. i cant just pop it in and start playing. i need to plan a course of action. since i have a kid now its hard playing games for long periods of time. so i had a plan to stay at my parents house on fri night and give me and my wife a "break" from the baby for a night. also my parents have a media room with a huge ass projectors screen which i beat gears3 on in like 12 hours. so i was gonna have my mom watch the baby while i locked myself in the media room until the sun came up. but that plan got shot to shit when some cunt named sandy decided to drop a transformer on my parents street. now they wont have power for a long ass time. so in the meantime im playing another game until my master plan can be executed.

just play the damn game fatboy


Nov 18, 2011
I'm trying to clean up my achievement stats so I've been playing a bunch of old games I don't have 100% on. So....

GTA4 (those DLC ones are bitches!)
Haunt (don't laugh. punching ghosts is awesome)
Dead Rising
Dragon Age Origins


Nov 18, 2011
I wish! That would make the game a billion times more fun. Not that it isn't already because seriously Punching Ghosts.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
I use up all my strength by comin out of the game stampin and swinging. I lose it all before I can win :(


Nov 10, 2003
I swear I wake up and my arms hurt more from that shit than actually liftin weights.