sarahelaine Castle Guard May 14, 2011 #1 Like the title says what Xbox 360 Game are you currently playing Me: Black Ops
FiOth Dedicated Gamer May 14, 2011 #2 Dead Space 2, Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (mainly) Transfromers: War for Cybertron - multiplayer, Dragon Age II, Final Fantasy XIII - finishing with some achievemets (here and there)
Dead Space 2, Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (mainly) Transfromers: War for Cybertron - multiplayer, Dragon Age II, Final Fantasy XIII - finishing with some achievemets (here and there)
Bayli Weeaboo Queen Senior Member May 14, 2011 #3 Working on a perfect playthrough of Mass Effect over here!
Logan Administrator May 14, 2011 #4 Been playing the Gears 3 beta. Really have no clue what I'm gonna play after tomorrow.
sarahelaine Castle Guard May 14, 2011 #5 Yeah I am going to play black ops in a sec even though I know I am going to rage
sarahelaine Castle Guard May 14, 2011 #7 Yeah sometimes I have good games and then I have bad ones that make me yell o.o
Logan Administrator May 14, 2011 #8 hey youll fit right in!
Tarvis Yeah, that's right. Administrator May 14, 2011 #10 I've been playing Gears beta and Dragon Age: Origins on my other xbox.
Oobs meh... May 14, 2011 #11 eww Blops lol Ive been recently been playing Brink and Portal 2 but im always down for a game of Bad Company 2 or Uno
eww Blops lol Ive been recently been playing Brink and Portal 2 but im always down for a game of Bad Company 2 or Uno
TalesOfPants Project DIVA May 14, 2011 #12 Bad Company 2 and Trouble Witches NEO! Occasionally I'll throw in some Rock Band 3.
Chris Sweet Little Lies Senior Member May 14, 2011 #13 I'm playing Gears Beta, Pokemon Emerald, and Portal 2 currently.
sarahelaine Castle Guard May 15, 2011 #18 don't make me challenge you lol ive got a good record myself I have played against some scary people on uno before. One old lady who took the game very seriously.
don't make me challenge you lol ive got a good record myself I have played against some scary people on uno before. One old lady who took the game very seriously.
Logan Administrator May 15, 2011 #19 People do tend to take UNO very seriously. Some guy got mad at Chris and I the other night. He was very defensive about his UNO prowess.
People do tend to take UNO very seriously. Some guy got mad at Chris and I the other night. He was very defensive about his UNO prowess.