Well, it's practically all you've talked about for about a month now. You (and me, I won't single you out) laugh about how Bronson always talks about college football, but you've been talking about Halo 2 just as much as he has football. If you can dish it out, be ready to take it.
Look, I don't want to get into a fight with you over anything, much less something as petty as this. I do find it funny that Matt "conveniently" left out that Chad and Hutchens laughed at my joke and agreed. Whether or not you come to school or not is your decision (actually, it should be your parents' decision), but that gives you at least one reason to come - so you can defend yourself if someone makes a crack at you. All I've been saying this whole thread is that I would not be at the mall at midnight to pick up a video game and I would not waste a day playing said game. Chad made the point that it would have still been at the store this afternoon, and that he would have had the patience to wait the 12 hours to pick it up.