Xbox Live


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003

Unless you buy me a Xbox and Halo, then no.

Don Francisco

Hmmm... CLAN TIME! What should the name be? What was the name of your old CS clan?


Nov 10, 2003
it was teh. the name really doesnt matter to me, but something short and inital-y would be nice. kind of like teh.

Don Francisco

Hmmm... short names... ideas I like so far: XF, teh, and PIMP.

Another one: EDH (Every Day Heroes).
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Nov 10, 2003
I'd go with XF or teh. Either is fine. teh probably has a bigger chance of being taken. So I guess we'll see.


The Assman
Nov 10, 2003
Does it put the clan name at the beginning of your XBL name, ie [XF]bobcobb22 or [teh]hoodwinketh?

BTW, I rented Halo 2 tonight, and I've got it until Sunday noon, so any time we decide to play multiplayer I'm up for it.

Don Francisco

I haven't completely figured it out yet, but from what I've seen when you select someone from your friends list if they have a clan the name is right of their name (i.e. Jazz Yoda [whatever]). teh and XF are both taken, oddly enough. BTW, sorry about the rapid departure but I needed to go study. ><
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Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Originally posted by Link182
Does it put the clan name at the beginning of your XBL name, ie [XF]bobcobb22 or [teh]hoodwinketh?

BTW, I rented Halo 2 tonight, and I've got it until Sunday noon, so any time we decide to play multiplayer I'm up for it.



Nov 10, 2003
We will most certainly get everyone together tommorow. Tonight was a blast. On another note, how about xef for a clan name? Its the same effect as xf, but it probably isnt taken.


The Assman
Nov 10, 2003
Originally posted by Logan
We will most certainly get everyone together tommorow. Tonight was a blast. On another note, how about xef for a clan name? Its the same effect as xf, but it probably isnt taken.

Well, I signed on Live tonight to see if anyone was playing, and I saw that Yoda and Logan were. When I went to put on my headset, I snapped the little piece that connects the speaker and mic to the earpiece. I tried to afro engineer it to no avail, so I'm going to go by EB Games tomorrow afterschool to get a new one. They should have one, and hopefully I'll be able to play tomorrow night.


Nov 10, 2003
lol. the EXACT same thing happened to my headset. my afro-engineering solution eventually failed and I bought a new one. (you should get on live and accept yo clan invite chris)


Registered User
Oct 8, 2006
Originally posted by Link182

When I went to put on my headset, I snapped the little piece that connects the speaker and mic to the earpiece. I tried to afro engineer it to no avail, so I'm going to go by EB Games tomorrow afterschool to get a new one.

Hello everyone.... same thing happened to my headset. Duct tape worked wonderfully. I should send a picture of my masterful repair work. My live handle is Petrucio. I'm on most always on halo and probably will be on a lot Christmas break. I'm sure some of you would enjoy unleashing a little stress on me in a one on one game.