Zelda Wii U


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
they just need to bring back the tingle tuner from wind waker and expand upon it, but keep it completely optional.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
expand zelda mode from Nintendoland and have teams fighting against each other, either as Links or as baddies vs Links. Or basically just copy Overrun from Gears but replace objectives and enemies with Zelda themed stuff and there u go.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Likelyhood of this being announced at E3 this year? Hmmmmmmmmmmm, gonna say 99%. Nintendo needs to build some hype, so I'm expecting them to bring out the bigguns this year.

Likelyhood of them actually doing a real E3 presentation? EHHHHHHHHHHHHH.


Nov 10, 2003
definitely a trailer. if they try to shit out a zelda and potentially make a bad one to save the wii u, it could tarnish the brand!


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
I would LOVE to see a trailer showing off a HUGE, TES style Hyrule. This time we get an older more experienced Link who starts out as a Hero and already has the Master Sword and a few key items. The story would be played out in three main arcs. In the first arc, we would be introduced to a new enemy that threatens Hyrule in some way. Link gains some new equipment in this arc, goes through a few dungeons etc. You defeat this new enemy and learn that he was working for Ganon, after defeating him you face off against Ganon, who overpowers Link and sends him into a shadow/dream realm of some kind. This arc would last maybe 20% of the game.

The second arc then takes place in this shadow/dream realm, something kind of link Link's Awakening. You start this arc as a new hero and must find your items etc, and it would be different items/tools then you had in the first arc. You would defeat the final enemy/dungeon of this realm and find a new tool that allows you to escape the realm and get back into Hyrule. This second arc would be another 20% or so of the game.

When you return to Hyrule in the third and final arc, a few years have passed since you left and Hyrule is now falling to Ganon's armies (yeah, maybe too much like OoT?). You would need to regain the items you had in the first arc, but you retain the items you found in the shadow/dream realm. That other realm would have some subtle effects on the current Hyrule and you would have to go back and forth to progress or some such. This final arc with the falling Hyrule and dream realm would comprise the final 60% of the game.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Sounds sort of like Turtles in Time!

I am also hoping for a return to a more realistic style ala Twilight Princess. Skyward Sword had great graphics, but it seems the cartoon-y Zeldas like Skyward Sword and Wind Waker are missing some of the things I liked most, such as having Epona, expansive areas to explore, and just the general "huge world" feeling. Wind Waker is huge, but it's basically just one area with some subareas - no real changes in atmosphere like going from Gerudo's Fortress to Zora's Domain in Ocarina of Time. Also it feels like Twilight Princess, OoT, and even MM were much bigger worlds compared to Wind Waker and definitely Skyward Sword - although I realize size had a lot to do with story. The cartoon-y Zeldas just feel more silly to me, which isn't a bad thing, I just prefer the more serious toned Zeldas.

I think almost everyone agrees that Skyward Sword was probably the weakest of the main Zelda games, barring Adventure of Link, even if it was still really good. My only real issue with it is lack of areas, and a lot of repeat content in the game. How many times did you have to fight "The Imprisoned" guy? Then the same dungeons three times but changed somewhat. Probably being a little rough on it though. I just hope they don't try to continue this formula from the game-play perspective.

I think that now that we are on a 1080p console mixed with the fact that the Wii U is struggling, we should be pushing the realism style again. The realistic style generally sells better and builds more hype. Look at how Wind Waker split the community, no matter how unjustified that was. For comparison sake, Twilight Princess sold 8.3m copies and OoT 7.6m compared to Wind Waker at 4.6m and Skyward Sword at 3.69m. Nintendo needs to push the graphical limits of the Wii U here to build the hype they need to put asses in the seat, so to speak.


Nov 10, 2003
hey sab was pretty close. congrats SAB u wrote a better story than nintendo


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
I take back my cartoony argument.

The Wii U will likely be hard to find this Sunday. "All I can say is that the response has been phenomenal," Nintendo EVP of sales and marketing Scott Moffitt told GamesIndustry.biz, "and we're getting, especially in the higher priced deluxe set, that one's selling out incredibly quickly."

What a liar, must be why he doesn't work for Nintendo anymore.