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WAY WAY overpriced.Discount nfl jerseys They are $3000 new for a KLX 140 and $3200 for a KLX140L (that is assuming your talking us $)Discount nfl jerseys

A used 2009 is only worth right around 2k.Wholesale NBA Jerseys The jesery pants boots gloves are only worth a couple of hundred.
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well I dont know much bout tats so everything looks good to me lol. Do you sew all of your outfits? if so, great job
Well out of all of em, Tifa was the fastest to do. Ivy took 2 months to sew together and make the weapon and armor. Bloodrayne took 3 weeks. Ashe took almost a month, but she wasn't all the way finished. uhhhh my tat is pretty badddd as in, not good.
I really like your cosplay and your chest tat. How long did it take you to do all of that? (the tat and all the amazing cosplays)

how was dishonored? as good as that cinematic trailer makes it out to be?