We've updated our live radio station with winter/Christmas themed soundtracks from various video games (and of course some tracks from The Legend of Zelda). You can listen in by clicking "Listen" above, or by clicking the "Zelda Radio" link to the left. The full track list is found below, but more are likely to be added in the coming days.
Actraiser - Northwall
Animal Crossing - 10 pm (Christmas)
Animal Crossing - 7 am (Christmas)
Animal Crossing - 8 am (Christmas)
Animal Crossing - Christmas Eve
Banjo Kazooie - Freezeezy Peak
Banjo Tooie - Hailfire Peaks
Battletoads - Arctic Cavern
Blaster Master - Ice Cavern
Castle of Illusion - Toyland
Contra - Snowfield
Crash Bandicoot 2 - Unbearable
Diddy Kong Racing - Everfrost Peak
Diddy Kong...
We've been having some computer difficulty the past few days. Finally getting everything back up and running. Should hopefully have some news in the next few days!
We are still enjoying our Wii U's over our Thanksgiving break. We've added a lot of changes to the Zelda Cards, so make sure you check those out. We would love to hear some more suggestions on what you would like to see. Either contact us, or post it on the forums!
Here is a video of us playing our Wii U/Nintendo Land:
We've been enjoying our Wii U way too much these past couple of days that we have been neglecting the website a little bit. Don't fear though! More updates to come soon.
We've added two new soundtracks to our growing list, Link to the Past and Link's Awakening. Like the others we have released, they are in single MP3 form or all of the tracks in a zip file.
We've made some changes to the back-end to be able to further integrate with the forums. Some things had to be reprogrammed to accommodate the new changes. We hope it didn't effect too many of our users. =)
We've started to add the Zelda Soundtracks to the website. So far we have the Legend of Zelda soundtracks and Adventure of Link. We hope to have the rest uploaded by the end of the week, and will require registration later in the week to access to save on bandwidth costs.
Welcome to the return of Zelda Xtreme. A website that has been in the making since earlier in the year once we were able to require our old domain name. We still have a lot of work to do. One of our new features we would like to introduce to you, is our Zelda Cards. A system of ours that will allow you to showcase your favorite Zelda games and your Nintendo Wii U friend code on your favorite websites. Make yours today!
Next week we will be having a Super Mario Kart tournament over zsnes.
You can sign up here.
I will add more information later.
Make sure to post what times you can be available!
Are games too hard for you, Johnny? Don't worry -- Shiggy's got your back. Starting with upcoming New Super Mario Bros. Wii, future Nintendo Wii titles will be shipping with the ability to, well, play themselves. In an interview with USA Today, the man who birthed Mario confirmed the existence of "demo play" for the next Mario game and "future games, too" -- essentially an option to allow the game to play itself when the player encounters an area too difficult for them to handle.
More here
Okay, I got "Link's Awakening" through "Majora's Mask" done today, hopefully I can at least keep up the 3 sections a day tomorrow so I can be done in a day or two, but now I can't rely on archived content so it might be harder to finish.
Of course with almost any website, any content will never ever truely be done. However, I got the first three zelda games finished.
I will try to finish up the rest of them tomorrow.
After I get all the games up, then it will be full fledged promoting of the site to see if we can draw some visitors.
I was working at the pools today, so guess what that means! I'm so bored I can work on the website! Of course without internet access there it's kinda hard to do a whole hell of a lot, but thanks to backups of old content, I won't have to worry too much about that for a while!
Of course theres a lot more to do before even nearly all the pages will be up, but we're getting there, so just be patient.
I can say with most certainty that Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time have the most (new) content right now.
More to come...
A little late, but... last Thursday, Nintendo held an analyst conference in Japan where they confirmed a new Zelda to come out in Japan sometime in 2004. No details were revealed, but recently Shigeru Miyamoto said the next Zelda would keep Wind Waker's cel-shaded graphics.
Nintendo also announced a GCN version of GBA's hit game, Wario Ware and a "surprising and unique" product to be announced in spring 2004. Mr. Iwata mentioned the PSP, could the new product be the next GameBoy? Or perhaps the successor to the GameCube?
The forums have been totally redesigned, with a brand new look. Also, guys I KNOW the downloads don't work, no need to send me the 100s of emails I get a day about it. I'm working hard on getting the downloads back, but I'm having a sort of difficult time. They will be back up asap.