Just a heads up that A Link to the Past is releasing today on the Wii U eShop for though of us in North America as our European friends have had access to the game since the beginning of December.
The price is $8, but it is reduced to $1.50 if you have already bought the Wii version. Will you Wii U owners be downloading?
Speaking of VC games on the Wii U, another interesting tidbit was released last night with Iwata announcing that DS games will be coming to the Wii U Virtual Console. This would mean that the Wii U will be able to play 10 out of the 15 main Zelda titles if, or rather when, the N64 and DS Zelda's are released for the Wii U VC. The obvious exceptions being the Game Boy Zelda titles and the recently released A Link...
So apparently some of our posts weren't showing up on our Facebook page unless you were a page manager - even though they were set to public. This was due to a glitch in the application we use and should be fixed now.
It's been about two weeks since the last update, so I better make a post so people know we are still working here! Do be warned, it's about to get a little bit technical.
We've been working mostly on improving website performance in regards to speed and load times, as well as search engine optimization and other areas that are important to a user's experience. Some things we have done over the past two weeks:
We've changed the Facebook and Twitter buttons to only load when your mouse hover over the icons as they had a pretty big impact on loading times for the website.
We removed the flash from the main page due to it being a big no-no in regards to mobile. Also unnecessarily creates CPU load on PC's as well.
Removed the Topsites...
Another year, another holiday season that has come and gone. As a lot of us head back to work or school, how was your vacation time?
We are working on some new features for the website and hope to release some of these this upcoming week, so stayed tune for those.
We've added a Link Between Worlds to the Zelda Cards so you can finally add that to yours! Nintendo has recently removed the Miiverse likes counter, so we are unable to use that anymore for our Wii U users. Is there anything you would like to see in regards to our Zelda Cards? What features would you like? Let us know!
I've received a few emails, and there are some comments on the A Link Between Worlds Soundtrack page about that we are still missing a few songs from what I...
We've added some customization to the site in the form of user selectable styles. You can find the selection box in the top right corner of the pages (the paintbrush icon). Currently we have 4 styles to choose from: Default, Fire Temple, Water Temple, and by request, Midna.
I must note that the Midna theme uses a little bit more CPU than the other themes due to the dynamic background (which also means the Midna theme requires a generally up to date browser). I spent the last few days trying various alternatives to the background animation with some experiments going as high as 20% cpu usage. The current one seems to hover around 3-5% which I believe is pretty good and most probably wouldn't notice anyways, but your mileage may vary...
We at Zelda Xtreme wanted to wish our viewership a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays as we are heading into Christmas 2013!
Anyone planning on getting anything overtly exciting this year? Perhaps a Wii U? Or a 3DS? How about a Link Between Worlds? If so, let us know your Nintendo Network handles so we can add you to our friend's list!
You can also share your gifts with us in our Christmas 2013 thread, or just browse everyone elses.
I hope everyone gets what they wanted this year! :)
It is two weeks until Christmas! Because of that we have switched over our radio to our Christmas Song List that will play throughout the rest of December. You can find most of the tracks from our listing last year, but we've also added some since then.
Let us know if you have any requests. :)
In this morning's Nintendo Direct, Satoru Iwata revealed a collaboration with Tecmo Koei tentatively called Hyrule Warriors. It looks very similiar to Dynasty Warriors but set in the Zelda universe. Looks awesome! What do you think?
Another update on our Link Between Worlds soundtrack page where you can download each song from the game. We've added over 35 new tracks to our soundtrack page for your enjoyment.
Let us know which one is your favorite!
Happy Turkey Day everyone!
We have finished the Link Between Worlds soundtrack page; Finally! We've also added a zip file with all the songs inside for easy downloading. We also updated most of the tracks already listed with some fixes or changes.
Let us know if you have any problems, or comments!
Have you gotten a chance to play it? So far it seems to be one of the best Zelda games I have ever played! What are your impressions so far?
Look at our video below to watch the intro of the game that we recorded ourselfs from our 3DS. Recording it was a bit tricky, and we spent most of yesterday evening coming up with a way to record it, but we are pretty happy with the results. Let us know what you think!
A Link Between Worlds is closer than ever to be released and with that more and more information is being leaked. We've started to build the official soundtrack listing for A Link Between Worlds where you can download the MP3's. We already have a portion of the entire track listings from the game and will have more soon, so keep checking back for the entire soundtrack.
Which one is your favorite song?
It's been 10 years since we closed our doors, and *phew* a lot has changed since then. I wouldn't have believed you if someone told me 10 years ago I would still be making a Zelda site today, but Nintendo has been able to keep me excited despite my waning years during the GameCube era. You can check out our history page to find out more about the website if you haven't already.
We are still working on building the website back up with about 85% of our content goal completed. Of course, with A Link Between Worlds releasing in under two weeks, we will have even more content to add.
I've updated the GamerCard Generator today to fix a bug with the script where at times, the script would pick an incorrect image when a user had selected more than one background.
Let me know in the comments if you experience any other issues. =)
I've finally finished up the coding for the GamerCard Generator and it's subsequent update scripts. There will probably be some bugs, but I've tested it pretty thoroughly over the past few days. I ask that everyone please submit any bugs, suggestions, or comments to this thread for the time being.
Nintendo has officially announced that the limited 3DS XL is now coming to North America on November 22nd at the price of $219.99.
Good news for those of us on side this of the pond. =)
Looks like the Zelda Edition 3DS XL is coming to America after all if this leaked Gamestop Promo for Black Friday is real. Included in this $220 package would be of course the Gold and Black 3DS XL system and a download code for Link Between Worlds. Nintendo has yet to officially announce it however, so here's to hoping!