10. Hacking- Sony gets hacked alot, and goes down.
9. Strict policies on the messages.- you can get banned easy.
8. High price for games, most of the time more then store price. - RIPOfF
7. The ps3 slim dont play PS2 games.- Thats an issue to me!
6. My spyro the dragon 1-3 games have lag issues on my ps3.- I love spyro!
5. Horrible internet browser.- I live on the net!
4. im very afraid to leave my PS3 on for a long time, it might go YLOD on me!- BAD.
3. The exclusives suck.- Like infamous.
2. CINIVIA!-Ok, i own the disk, but dont want scratches, so i copy and cinivia comes!
1. No more other os.- I want ubuntu on my PS3!
9. Strict policies on the messages.- you can get banned easy.
8. High price for games, most of the time more then store price. - RIPOfF
7. The ps3 slim dont play PS2 games.- Thats an issue to me!
6. My spyro the dragon 1-3 games have lag issues on my ps3.- I love spyro!
5. Horrible internet browser.- I live on the net!
4. im very afraid to leave my PS3 on for a long time, it might go YLOD on me!- BAD.
3. The exclusives suck.- Like infamous.
2. CINIVIA!-Ok, i own the disk, but dont want scratches, so i copy and cinivia comes!
1. No more other os.- I want ubuntu on my PS3!