10 reasons why i dislike the ps3


10. Hacking- Sony gets hacked alot, and goes down.
9. Strict policies on the messages.- you can get banned easy.
8. High price for games, most of the time more then store price. - RIPOfF
7. The ps3 slim dont play PS2 games.- Thats an issue to me!
6. My spyro the dragon 1-3 games have lag issues on my ps3.- I love spyro!
5. Horrible internet browser.- I live on the net!
4. im very afraid to leave my PS3 on for a long time, it might go YLOD on me!- BAD.
3. The exclusives suck.- Like infamous.
2. CINIVIA!-Ok, i own the disk, but dont want scratches, so i copy and cinivia comes!
1. No more other os.- I want ubuntu on my PS3!
10.) Once.
9.) Not really.
8.) lolwat
7.) Pretty much only the launch PS3's played PS2 games...
6.) Yeah, that sucks.
5.) It has a browser at least, unlike the XBOX. Yeah it sucks, but it's a game console.
4.) YLOD is a harddrive issue, not an overheating issue.
3.) You obviously don't play many PS3 exclusives (or just aren't a fan of Japanese games) Disgaea, Valkyria Chronicles, Yakuza, Atelier Rorona, etc. Also, MAG is tits. If you don't like Japanese games, then sure, you wouldn't like a lot of the exclusives.
2.) WhatisthisIdon'teven.
1.) Get a PC.
Cinvivia is copy protection. Look it up.
YLOD is from alot of things, not just hard drives. Look that up too.
and PC game ports ALWAYS suck.

And i like japanese games.
Most games are japanese games.
Resident evil, silent hill, etc.
Copy Protection's a pretty common thing for all consoles. If you expect to just be able to copy games (regardless of whether you own them) and play them on your console, you're being silly. Also, Blu-Ray disks are very scratch resistant.
YLOD mainly pertains to harddrives, and even when it is caused by something else, the failure rate is still miles below the 360 this gen.
Not talking about PC gaming, I'm talking about your ubuntu nonsense. I don't even know why they had Other OS as an option to start with. Is it stupid that they yanked it away? Sure.

The last 3 Silent Hills (and the upcoming one) were made by Western studios. I'm mainly talking JRPG's/SRPG's or anime styled games, of which there's a bunch (varying quality, and sometimes extremely niche). The 360 gets the nod hands-down for multiplatform games, but I bought my PS3 solely for exclusive single-player games. It has yet to disappoint me.
I have a PS3 that is backwards compatible.

I searched high and low to find one.

Gone be PISSED when it dies!
I have a BC PS3 too and I'm afraid I'll be soon approaching the YLOD. ;_;
I prefer the 360 to PS3 just based on ease of use and accessiblity. That being said, if I had a PS3, I dunno why'd I'd have an Xbox and vice versa. They're basically the same thing.
I like the Xbox 360 more because I like to play video games, and I've heard there aren't many of those available for the PS3.
PS3 doesn't really have a bunch of exclusive games that I want to play, but damn them Uncharted games are pretty fun.
PS3 doesn't really have a bunch of exclusive games that I want to play, but damn them Uncharted games are pretty fun.

THIS is how it is supposed to be phrased. Thank you.

The PS3 has a ton of exclusives (especially when compared to the 360 recently).

Whether or not you care about those kinds of games doesn't mean they don't exist.
to be honest, i prefer to have all of the current gen consoles at the same time.
Ive got:
PS3,Wii and 360.

I dont like the 360 for a number of reasons, 1 being its loud as hell, 2 being its ugly, 3 being it gets HOT QUICK, and finally, who in there right mind would pay for online gaming when its free on all the other systems? NOT THIS GUY.
My new xbox is quiet!

Paying for Xbox Live has never bothered me as I feel it's worth the value.
My PS3 gets hot as fuck. It's about to melt! I just wanna play my Persona games!