Holy shit, that's awesome. Welcome to the forums.
How long did it take you to complete all this (not even counting coming up with all of the ideas)?
Would definitely play.
Done a great job maintaining everything over the years. Even when things are dead, the site still goes strong and looks beautiful and the regulars are still around. Here's to another ten.
No, you fight Pokemon Trainer Red at the very end of Silver and Gold. Guy is ridiculous. One of the hardest battles in the entire series. I still lose sleep over it.
Alternate endings the writers discussed during the show. Glad they didn't go through with any of them. All are a bridge way too far in my opinion. Although at one point I would have been all about offing Skyler and Jr.
In order to avenge Hank's death as well as not allow the Nazis to benefit from all of his work, Walt, wearing his Heisenberg hat, will take down the Nazis. This will parallel the destruction of the Cartel from Season 4. Nazis=Cartel, Walt=Gus and and Jesse=Gus' Pollos Hermanos partner. As...