
Nov 10, 2003
- As close to an embargo of information as you can have.

- Nebulous delay.

- Obvious issues (looks as old as it is, obviously has frame rate drops, few new features)

Don't get me wrong, the game looks great as a "spiritual successor" to a fantastic game, but it just looks like a shoddy piece of software in all the technical aspects. That being said, as someone who could forgive these inconsistencies, all I asked was for a chance to play it before I decided to buy it.

However, ya BOY Randy Pitchford and his band of loser ass fairy boys didn't even give me a chance.


Kept you waiting, huh?
Senior Member
Sep 1, 2010



You know - it turns out that this is the kind of game that doesn't really need a demo Day 1 forecasts are already off the charts, which BTW is what your pre-order is really all about. I can already imagine the probability that a lot of people aren't going to be able to get their hands on a retail copy on launch day with this one...

But what I wanted to call out was that the guys have been killing themselves to ship and to get the demo ahead of the game for the FAC members. The commitment has been there not just from the studio and the publisher, but all the way through to every one on the team. The commitment to do cool stuff for the FAC will continue, BTW. There are ideas and plans there. But I hope everyone has sane expectations. FAC people may have committed earlier than others and there is value to that, but they're not really spending any more than anyone else is on launch day and so we have to look for opportunities that offer value to FAC, but don't add cost to the process. I don't think ANYONE who cares about Duke would want us to end up like 3D Realms did. It still kills me that it got to that point with those guys...

Anyway - It turns out that June 3 is the earliest possible time that everything necessary for the demo to be launched can be in place so that's the date that our publishing partner has locked in for the demo's launch.

The fact that it launches *exclusively* for FAC is a pretty cool decision for the publisher, IMO. I think they should get high-fives for that call, not the other way around...

BUT - if a three week gap would make you happy, the only options we can consider are to either delay the game another two weeks in order to artificially create your three week gap OR we can just do the best we can and trust that you guys know that the thing that is most important to us in the universe is our customers - especially our most loyal and nice customers

What call would you make if it were your call? Would you delay the game another two weeks just to add a gap between demo and release date or would you prioritize the shipping of the retail game and trust that the FAC members are the most awesome and loyal fans in the world and remember them the next opportunity you have to provide a nice surprise that's exclusive to the club?

This is his response to people complaining about the demo date.
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Nov 10, 2003
I thought that was a pretty well thought-out statement. If you're asking someone who's not a hardcore duke fan (there's only about 100 of you, so I doubt they can recoup their losses on this flopzilla solely based on you tubbos buying 5 copies each) to take a chance on this MYSTERIOUS game, give us a fucking chance to TRY it.

They didn't and they fucked up, just admit it.



Nov 10, 2003
I can spend 9 dollars on a movie ticket if they just said "EXPENDABLES 2 STARRING THE WHOLE FIRST CAST AND SCHWARZENEGGER" they wouldn't even have to release a trailer.

For me to take the same leap of faith with a 60 dollar price point is a strech.

They need to stop acting like everyone on Earth loves Duke Nukem. A lot of people remember him, but a whole lot more don't even know who the fuck he is. This high handed "WE DON'T NEED TO MARKET THIS GAME IM RANDY DAMN PITCHFORD LOOK AT MY SCRAGGLY BEARD AND GLASSES DID YOU KNOW I ACTUALLY WORKED AT 3D REALMS FOR A BIT!?!?!?" bullshit just makes them look like the bunch of uncoordinated dorks that they are.

You were livid about this the other day, but now that Randy's earfucked your kool-aid drinking ass back into submission, you're fine with it. Make up your mind fat boy!




Nov 10, 2003
Nah I was just about to go run some errands and wanted Jay to deal with it for a while. I can't imagine this place without a daily dose of POW POW BANG BANG.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
uh, I don't get why the dude thinks people are going to have a problem getting a retail copy on day one.

This ain't going to have nowhere near the level of halo 3 hype, and that fucking game had at least 20 in stock at the walmart when I went to get it the evening after it came out.

Also, I've never played a Duke Nukem game, except maybe a 5 minute trial of that xbla one.

I am sorta "eh" interested in this, but I mean god damn it's just another shooter and how different can it be from all the rest.

Shooters are ruining video games.


Kept you waiting, huh?
Senior Member
Sep 1, 2010
For the most part I'd agree with you.


It's the Call of Duty's and Maddens and Assassin's Creeds that net developers big profits with little risk taking and incentive that are ruining video games, imo.

But shooting games are easily the biggest perpetrator of this lack of creativity.


Dec 16, 2010
oh god lol


The Grapist!!
Mar 8, 2011
Gold? WTF is that mean

The gold anniversary is the 50th year. This just means that (with the rapture averted) Duke needs a new reason for delay. So they have now notified everyone that the game will come out on the 50th year of delay.


Vertical Bacon Sandwich
Super Mod
Nov 10, 2003
When a game goes gold, it means that the game is completely done being developed / tweaked / tested and and is ready to be mass pressed at the manufacturing plant.


Kept you waiting, huh?
Senior Member
Sep 1, 2010

No more delays. Disappointment or not, DNF HERE I COME.