E3 2011 Discussion


Sweet Little Lies
Senior Member
Jan 15, 2011


Nov 10, 2003
so what all happened at the press conference? so i can form my sony questions for the podcast

Honestly, not much. It was a standard Sony affair. Lots of PSVita talk, Uncharted/Resistance 3, nothing terribly exciting.

wh1t3 t1gg3r

Hardcore Gamer
Jun 4, 2011
ok the nintendo crap looks awful, the sony and ubisoft stuff looks ok. The only thing Sony brought up that will be the most talked about is the ps vita. The game Ruin for the ps vita actually looks sick nasty. The facts that it is Real Time gameplay and someone can come into your dungeon and steal your stuff looks awsome. The fact that you can have allies and rivals makes the game non stop interesting since there will be several thousands of peo0ple playing it. Did anyone notice that the black guy that was promoting the game looked like he was about to puke his guts out!!!! he looked nervous as heck., but no really otherwise most of E3 this time seems a little crappy for those two. Assasins Creed Revelation, the last game for assasins creed looked really good. The combat system looked the same mostly dodge and counter for the best outcome. but the story and action looks really awsom


Kept you waiting, huh?
Senior Member
Sep 1, 2010
They've got a lot of cool things on Gametrailers I missed. The Prey 2 demo was pretty cool looking. I'm happy they had a little Deus Ex coverage, obviously. Ninja Gaiden III I was a little skeptical about...It looks cool but the quick time events worry me.

It's a sad day when out of 4 press conferences so far the new game I'm looking forward to the most is Far Cry 3. Don't get me wrong, I love Far Cry and I think the third one looks great, but MS and Sony were both devoid of any new heavy hitters. (Aside from Halo 4, which was just a CG teaser).

wh1t3 t1gg3r

Hardcore Gamer
Jun 4, 2011
i dont, i mean i dont go on the enternet on my psp and do all that crap i just play my psp online and go to the psn store, which by the way i cant even log into!


Kept you waiting, huh?
Senior Member
Sep 1, 2010
The fact that they were able to create a handheld that graphically rivals home platforms AND keep it's price point competitive with the competition is nothing short of astounding imo. It's priced perfectly. If it were any cheaper they'd have to start cutting corners to justify the cost of production.


Dec 16, 2010
The fact that they were able to create a handheld that graphically rivals home platforms AND keep it's price point competitive with the competition is nothing short of astounding imo. It's priced perfectly. If it were any cheaper they'd have to start cutting corners to justify the cost of production.

Am I doing to buy the Vita day 1? No, Im stilling having fun on my psp
but so far, its alot more worth the money than the 3DS


Kept you waiting, huh?
Senior Member
Sep 1, 2010
At this point I'd easily take a Vita over a 3DS.

Ball's in your court Nintendo.