E3 2011 Discussion


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
The Vita reminds me of the PSP go layout, which I have had some experience with as my other PSP. And believe me, if this thing is thinner and using small buttons, which it looks like it does, it's probably going to be an uncomfortable mess for men.

The PSP was big for a portable, but it felt comfortable to hold, and I never had trouble putting it in a case then in my pants pocket. The PSP Go is just way too small and makes your hands feel cramped after even just a short use. I hope they didn't go the same direction for the PSV, but it kinda looks like they did since it has the same basic shape and button size. Also the triggers were a bitch to hit on the Go, but that was because they were so thin and that damn screen practically sat on them.

Only other complaint I had about the PSPs was the fact they should have had some way to protect the screen. I think flip designs should be a standard as it helps protect the screen from scratches and dirt, which my PSP 2000 has a lot of. Or maybe just a way to flip the screen part like you can with some cd players in cars.


Kept you waiting, huh?
Senior Member
Sep 1, 2010
I hope this thing has a scratch resistant screen like my iPod touch. I slip that thing in my pocket all the time with keys, change, the works shuffling around. There isn't a scratch on the damn thing.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
$250 for the vita makes me worried they will cheap out on something to save costs. I hope they don't get those shitty screens again.

wh1t3 t1gg3r

Hardcore Gamer
Jun 4, 2011
Hey Travis look at the thread i made of new arcade game ideas. Super Afro Boy posted the files and a password for you, although i don't know what the games are, im just saying you should take a look


Nov 10, 2003
That's a good point on costs.

Waaay back when it was brand new, Sony said that OLED technology wasn't viable for any kind of phone or portable device because the costs would be too great to reduce the glare or something.

Obviously technology evolves, but still...I wonder what kind of shortcuts they're taking.


Kept you waiting, huh?
Senior Member
Sep 1, 2010
I'm concerned about how much goddamn heat the thing will generate. It's gotta be costly to squeeze that kind of horsepower out of such a small device.


Nov 10, 2003
Honestly, and yes I know this is coming from Mr. Mass Effect, ME3 is the highlight of the show.

Not because I'm so excited for it, but it's just the only thing that "felt E3" in my opinion.

Big games like Skyward Sword, Arkham City, and Skyrim didn't even get Stage time. Disappointed thus far.


Kept you waiting, huh?
Senior Member
Sep 1, 2010


Highlights of the show for me:
-Halo 4
- Mass Effect 3
- PS Vita
- Far Cry 3

NOTHING at the Nintendo conference Wowed me.


Dec 16, 2010
ok a serious stand point on Nintendo's E3

+ Newer stuff (at least new to me)
+ Nice to see more games
+ Makes me want to buy a 3DS now
- Some old stuff
- No price drop

Wii U
+ Cool way to use the added screen
+ Could be nice for families to share
- Seems rather expensive
- Controller looks insanely bulky and awkward
- They just showed us the controller, no console so it help added to the confusion
- A stupid as hell name

Notes for next years E3, we need clarification on everything, from the power to the controller to what the actual console looks like
I give them a 5.5/10
The Zelda montage was nice
The new 3DS games were cool
but what brought it WAY down was Wii U


Kept you waiting, huh?
Senior Member
Sep 1, 2010

Best demo of the show. Sorry BioWare.


Nov 10, 2003

Best demo of the show. Sorry BioWare.

I want the 30 minute demo!

But like I said, watching it during a break on SPIKE TV is not E3. Skyrim should've been ON STAGE somewhere.


Kept you waiting, huh?
Senior Member
Sep 1, 2010
The Wii U looked gimmicky and stupid.

Unless they roll their sleeves up and show us why the thing is worth a damn I'm just sticking to my Xbox.