Logan Administrator Jun 6, 2011 #245 MEh that was kind of neat I guess, just more of the same really.
Oobs meh... Jun 6, 2011 #246 another game for November I plan on getting cause im the fan of the series
Jay Kept you waiting, huh? Senior Member Jun 6, 2011 #249 Well, I'm interested in Far Cry 3 and Brothers in Arms. Ghost Recon and Assassin's Creed are in the meh region. Everything else looked awful.
Well, I'm interested in Far Cry 3 and Brothers in Arms. Ghost Recon and Assassin's Creed are in the meh region. Everything else looked awful.
Logan Administrator Jun 6, 2011 #250 Guess I'll watch some of Sony's. It's not really gonna be 5 hours I'm sure. 1-2 hours of actual press conference stuff.
Guess I'll watch some of Sony's. It's not really gonna be 5 hours I'm sure. 1-2 hours of actual press conference stuff.
Oobs meh... Jun 6, 2011 #251 what I liked from Ubi The Brother in Arms thats kind of like Inglorious Bastards Assassins Creed Revelations I never played a Far Cry game but it looked cool
what I liked from Ubi The Brother in Arms thats kind of like Inglorious Bastards Assassins Creed Revelations I never played a Far Cry game but it looked cool
Jay Kept you waiting, huh? Senior Member Jun 6, 2011 #255 Cool things from the Sony Press conference: - Vita -Uncharted 3 uhhhh.... Well, Let's see what EA had! -Battlefield 3 -Mass Effect 3 uh.... Microsoft! -Halo 4 uh.... Ubisoft! -Far Cry 3 uh.... God this E3 has sucked so far. EYES ON YOU NINTENDO.
Cool things from the Sony Press conference: - Vita -Uncharted 3 uhhhh.... Well, Let's see what EA had! -Battlefield 3 -Mass Effect 3 uh.... Microsoft! -Halo 4 uh.... Ubisoft! -Far Cry 3 uh.... God this E3 has sucked so far. EYES ON YOU NINTENDO.
Bayli Weeaboo Queen Senior Member Jun 6, 2011 #257 E3 is looking pretty awful. IN NINTENDO WE TRUST THE TRIFORCE POWER: REGGIE WISDOM: IWATA COURAGE: SHIGGY
Oobs meh... Jun 6, 2011 #259 so what all happened at the press conference? so i can form my sony questions for the podcast