GamerCard Generator Version Updates


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
I decided to start doing update posts for fixes and enhancements to our GCG system, just so I can have a list of all the changes I've done and perhaps help answer any questions that users may have.

So far we've had four main rewrites of the script since I started on this almost 6 years ago (really six years?!). Funny it all started from this proof of concept:


I'm going to call the Zelda Xtreme version of the script version 4 since it was a major overhaul of what GH had, and I've had a few minor revisions since then.

Anyways, here is a list of things that were fixed in this minor update:
  • Change to the method of grabbing user details in regards to their PSN and Xbox profiles to vastly improve speed and reliability.
  • Make it so if your PSN or Xbox Live username changes, the script will handle this correctly and just not show any details for the now non-existent username. Updating your username in your profile will allow the script to show the information again.
  • Backend changes to improve the reliability of any future code modifications across the many scripts that are taking part in the process of generating the cards.
Let us know what future improvements you would like to see!


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
I can't really think of any future improvements unless you can give it a feature that will find me a girlfriend or something


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
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It's one of the features I've tested off and on, and there is a place in profiles to enter steam names. I don't think would be too difficult to add, just need to come up with the logic of how I want to handle users that have all three. If I want to limit it too just have them select which two to show, or showing all three. I remember having all three was quite the pain when it was just the Nintendo Wii Friend code on there.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
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Another minor update today to bring it up to 4.06. This was mainly all styling changes. These changes are making their way through the userbase and should all be updated within the next 5 hours at most.

  • Colorization of the backgrounds for each individual system to better distinguish the two, and the removal of the xbox/psn icons.
  • Font changes to make Xbox Live and PSN user names and card level more pronounced.
  • Gold and Plus icons removed, and instead a user's avatar will have a gold trim if they are subscribed to either service.
  • A different showing of trophies to better display trophies in a linear way, as well as being better suited for larger number of trophies.
  • New Trophy Icons that will be sharper at such a tiny resolution.
  • New Gamerscore Icon.

Not currently changed on the web form, but will be soon.

Let me know if you like the changes!
Last edited:


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Yeah look at all my trophies biiiiiiiiiiiiitch

A couple weeks ago I spent my entire Saturday afternoon going through Assassin's Creed II, picking up all the stupid goddamn feathers so I could get the platinum trophy. Because, no, I didn't have anything better to do.

New font's kinda big though, my name gets cut off by my trophy count. But then I do have a long name.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
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Dayummmmmmmm, welp have to add that to list to fix.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Been playing around with the Steam API, but there doesn't seem to be a way through it to show the last played games.. well sort of. Their recent game function only shows games you've played in the last 2 weeks. That is kind of useless. Although I see other steam signatures are able to do it, so maybe I'm missing something somewhere.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Fixed xbox information not showing up sometimes. Hopefully Microsoft finally fixed their glitch where everyone's information was randomly blank on their end.

@Joe, fix your trophies omg.