Tarvis Yeah, that's right. Administrator Nov 10, 2003 8,926 Sep 16, 2013 Thread starter Admin #21 wat
Dave We'll bang, okay? Senior Member Oct 7, 2006 3,357 Sep 16, 2013 #22 I feel like a crack addict waiting for my next chance to shoot up.
Tarvis Yeah, that's right. Administrator Nov 10, 2003 8,926 Sep 17, 2013 Thread starter Admin #23 GOOD NEWS, YOUR DAY IS TODAY!
Logan Administrator Nov 10, 2003 13,301 Sep 17, 2013 Admin #25 first thing i did was punch a big fat woman so hard that she flew 20 feet into the road and was pancaked immediately
first thing i did was punch a big fat woman so hard that she flew 20 feet into the road and was pancaked immediately
Tarvis Yeah, that's right. Administrator Nov 10, 2003 8,926 Sep 18, 2013 Thread starter Admin #26 I like this game cuz Michael tells that web company dork that all shooters are the same.
Tarvis Yeah, that's right. Administrator Nov 10, 2003 8,926 Sep 18, 2013 Thread starter Admin #28 Nope
Lulu Kupo! Senior Member Nov 9, 2011 1,120 Sep 18, 2013 #29 every 2 minutes they are talking about something sexual. i mean, we get it, little kids love that shit. IT JUST GETS OLD FAST.
every 2 minutes they are talking about something sexual. i mean, we get it, little kids love that shit. IT JUST GETS OLD FAST.
SuperAfroBoy Vertical Bacon Sandwich Super Mod Nov 10, 2003 5,129 Sep 18, 2013 Moderator #30 can't wait to play this with gabe, he'll be four next week so i think he can handle it.
Tarvis Yeah, that's right. Administrator Nov 10, 2003 8,926 Sep 18, 2013 Thread starter Admin #31 lmao. Hope he likes hearing 10000000 racial slurs and fbombs within the first 30 minutes of the game.
lmao. Hope he likes hearing 10000000 racial slurs and fbombs within the first 30 minutes of the game.
Tarvis Yeah, that's right. Administrator Nov 10, 2003 8,926 Sep 18, 2013 Thread starter Admin #35 I haven't seen no sex scenes yet. Did get the big boobies popup window minigame though.
Lulu Kupo! Senior Member Nov 9, 2011 1,120 Sep 18, 2013 #36 TREVOR, that friggin crazy meth head and dogs humpin and all sorts of shit. :|
Tarvis Yeah, that's right. Administrator Nov 10, 2003 8,926 Sep 18, 2013 Thread starter Admin #37 Great game
Tarvis Yeah, that's right. Administrator Nov 10, 2003 8,926 Sep 19, 2013 Thread starter Admin #38 So far my complaints are: Radio sucks ass. It takes far too long to lose the cops, especially when you only have 1 star and it seems like you gain a star wayyy faster in this game than before. Frame rate dies when you are in the water, in the submarine. (at least on Xbox). Some reason, I will randomly jump and then fall over when I try to vault a wall. ??? Hard as fuck to shoot when you are driving, but most of the problem is I can't see that small ass white dot most of the time. Otherwise, it's been a great game so far. My favorite character is probably Michael. Spoiler Poor JOHNNY. Also the torture scene messed up especially when you wrench that tooth out. Last edited: Sep 19, 2013
So far my complaints are: Radio sucks ass. It takes far too long to lose the cops, especially when you only have 1 star and it seems like you gain a star wayyy faster in this game than before. Frame rate dies when you are in the water, in the submarine. (at least on Xbox). Some reason, I will randomly jump and then fall over when I try to vault a wall. ??? Hard as fuck to shoot when you are driving, but most of the problem is I can't see that small ass white dot most of the time. Otherwise, it's been a great game so far. My favorite character is probably Michael. Spoiler Poor JOHNNY. Also the torture scene messed up especially when you wrench that tooth out.
SuperAfroBoy Vertical Bacon Sandwich Super Mod Nov 10, 2003 5,129 Sep 19, 2013 Moderator #39 I read that you can improve framerate by installing the play disk on a usb thumb drive and playing from that, you tried that?
I read that you can improve framerate by installing the play disk on a usb thumb drive and playing from that, you tried that?
Tarvis Yeah, that's right. Administrator Nov 10, 2003 8,926 Sep 19, 2013 Thread starter Admin #40 I don't have a thumb drive bigger than 8gb, and I couldn't find my SSD to install it too. But probably would help.
I don't have a thumb drive bigger than 8gb, and I couldn't find my SSD to install it too. But probably would help.