Grand Theft Auto 5

Technical problems are (mostly) fixed. The funbucks thing is shitty, but I really don't like the system. For "drop in, drop out" it's really cumbersome.

Just like every game ever that tried to be streamlined.
I bought the Marketplace direct dl of GTA5, but I am playing as a dark skinned brother. Police be racist. I cant even punch people without getting shot at.
Don't worry, I can't even be seen standing on the sidewalk by a cop without being shot to death, as a pasty white man.
I am waiting for either:

A) Sex Change
B) Character Money and Purchases GONE
C) Character Reset
D) All The Above
lol i bought GTA IV complete edition on steam today, only $8 so why not. haven't tried the PC version yet, any good mods kickin around?
I used quite a few, but I don't really remember the names of the ones I used - mostly realism ones and different cars. Quite a bit of funny ones like superman mods and stuff like that though.

The realism mod I used I think was this one: But I'm pretty you need a pretty beefy computer to run it.