- Nov 10, 2003
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- #81
Between the Joystiq and IGN stuff, I've found out what Arrival is mostly about. Doesn't seem like it's the awesome Mass Effect 2.9 we were hoping for, but it's certainly gonna tell a bridging story it would seem. I'll spoiler it all just in case, but I'll REALLY spoiler the TWIST that we learn. Then again, I guess someone who typed these previews might not understand stuff, so take all of this with a grain of salt if you read it.
Arrival centers around Dr. Amanda Kenson, whom is a friend of Admiral Hackett of Mass Effect 1 fame. He implores Shepard to go save her from Batarians who are holding her captive and mentions that she has discovered a Reaper artifact that not only proves their existence, but is counting down Independence Day style to their arrival. They're about to hit a Mass Relay that links to the Mass Relay in Batarian space, so her idea is to blow that mother fucker up. Shepard goes about this alone and fights his/her way to the Relic with Kenson in tow. BIG M NIGHT SHYAMALAN TWIST INCOMING. DONT CLICK AGH.
Fortunately, that's just the first mission of five from what we can tell, so GOD DAMN sounds exciting.
Except once you get to the Reaper artifact dubbed "Object Rho," you find out that ol Kenson is indoctrinated and has kind of got you trapped. You eventually succumb to the assault and awake on a table later and that's ALL WE KNOW.