Q & A: Redux

A: I don't watch a lot of TV. Everybody loves Raymond is great, though.

Q: Which game that you have never played would you most like to play ?
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A: Never really watched it.

Q: If you could kill one person, who would it be? (Obvious answers like Osama Bin Laden don't count, 'cause that's what everybody would say.)
A. Whichever dumbass at Bungie thought the SMG was a good weapon to spawn with.

Q. Favorite kind of M&Ms? (answer peanut or die)
A: Probably Oblivion.

Q: Worst physical pain you've ever felt (that means you can't say 'being alone')?
A: Having a tube shoved up ur ass and moved around in your colon during a colonoscopy. I think I win this question.

A: I cannot choose only one. but either mario 64, morrowind, barbie horse adventure, or something else that I can't think of right now.

Q: if you could change one thing in the world, with no limits at all, what would it be?
A: Definitely having every band/musician to make shitty music obliterated.

Q: Brutally Hot weather or Bone-chilling cold weather?
A: Cold, Can always put on more layers of clothes. Can only take off so much.

Q: Lake or Ocean?