Same-Sex Marriage

Should Jay be sodomized?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • No

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • He should grow hair instead!

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters
Ultima that reatlliation was totally uncalled for, I agree with your facts about the equality toward the gays, and allowing them to have basic human rights like every other human on the face of this planet, but i do not agree with the way you automatically prejudged Aaron and automatically assuming how he is toward any person who is Gay, first you must realize that Aaron has just gotten out of Middle School if you remember middel school at all, being gay was the worst thing in the world to any of them, and they all were strictly afraid of them, which is why they appear to have hatred toward them, people tend to become accepting to gays in high school. Just jumping on him before his mind opens up entirely is just sick.

I mean, I am a christain, and i don't hate them, I don't like what they do, but it doesn't mean I hate them, as a matter of fact I am friends with a couple of gay people
heck the other night I didn't realize it until it was too late
some gay dude was checking me out
I didn't hate him
i just felt uncomfortable
why the hell did i just say that
now don't get me wrong ultima, I agree with you thinking they should have the agency like every other american, but.... saying all that shit about someone you have never been face to face to and judging them like that is a sickening thing.

America has given him a voice, and as long as he still has that voice he should have the right to say what he feels is right.
I don't really see why you went all out on me. If you would read, then you'd know that 7 other people said no to legalizing of gay marriage.
I have come to a realization
people need freedom
but they need some limitations

homosexuality is prohibited in religions

marriage is a sacred vow, and people who are gay are making a mockery of this sacred vow

even though we are a free nation, we can't make everything free
it is kind of like for instance this example to an extreme
legalizing murder
or on a smaller scale
legalizing theft
these things are things we shouldn't allow because it harms the way humans live
that's why we made conscenquences for these types of things because it damages the way for the human race to survive
if everyone was gay then the human race would go extinct, that would be one reason not to allow it
but i doubt that is going to happen
as i was saying earlier
marriage was once a religious thing
and since performing a homosexual act is an obomonation to "God" then a "gay marriage" shouldn't be allowed
sure that defeats the equal right and opprotunity for a gay to marry
but that is like allowing a pedeofile to marry a 3 year old
this should go the same for incest as well it is sick
sure "they should ahve freedom to do it"
it just isn't right and shouldn't be allowed
I like freedom
but we need limitations
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Well, Mitch was right. I do not hate homosexuals. I don't like what they do, but I don't hate them. I don't appreciate you trashing my religious beliefs either. My church had nothing to do with my decision in this thread. Do you know why they kept "In God we trust" on the coins? Because of tradition. Do you know how marriage came about? Traditions created by religion.. Marriage has traditionally been between a man and a woman. It used to be a sacred bond. Now it's something that can be obtained in a drive through at the City of Sin. Just because people have the choice to do it doesn't make it right.
Ah, but free choice is right. My right, the only right God has left me with.

And The city isn't so much filled with sin as a haven for it. Must be why I like it so much.
i almost thing i should have broken my post up into multiple posts because people tend to skip big posts
If they're too lazy to read those posts then their opinion doesn't really matter anyways. They need to hear everyone's opinion if they're going ot share theirs.
Words of my mother, "As long as they don't practice homosexuality, then I don't care what they do."

Gays taint the sacredness of marriage. Allowing them to be married "religiously" is wrong.
Did Havoc just compare legalizing homosexuality to legalizing murder?

You people have to realize that being gay IS NOT a choice. It's like being in love, you don't choose who you love. Master Yoda, I didn't just one day wake up and say "Ohh, I think I'll fall in love with Meredith." I just did. It's the same thing for homosexuals. THEY CANNOT CHOOSE TO BE GAY OR STRAIGHT. THEY ARE JUST NATURALLY GAY, just like you and I are both naturally straight. Please you people.
Well, like my mom said: they shouldn't practice homosexuality. I know that is a pretty opinionated statement, so don't get on my case about that one. People have a choice to practice homosexuality or not. People were ashamed of even thinking of being gay until just recently this last century, and that was for a good reason. It's unnatural and unintened. I think some of them are gay just to be different, and that's a stupid reason (if it's the only reason) for anything.
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dude, everything is a chice, andf i compared same sex marriage to multiple things
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Sure homosexuals choose to be homosexual.

Just like retarded people choose to be retarded.

That's why you can trip retarded people and not care.
This topic came up in the bio lab yesterday (I don't know how) and German Boy said something that really made me think. Maybe homosexuals are "chemically unbalanced". I mean, it is human nature/instinct for a man to love a woman and a woman to love a man, and if they don't there must be something wrong with them that they no longer have that instinct.
About what Pink Floyd said, I would like to research love and what causes it more thoroughly. Does anyone even know what makes you fall in love with somebody but not with someone else? After I have read up about that kind of stuff, I might change my position about gays a little bit.
Another thing that I've been thinking about: is it a right to be married by the state? Or is it a privilege? If I was going to marry someone (a woman, of course), could the state refuse to marry me? If so, then they can certainly refuse to marry gays, just like I'm sure they can refuse to marry people of the same family (incest kind of things). However, if it is a right, then they obviously can't. I've also been thinking about something else since I researched abortion for ethics class. Church and state should be separated and the state should do its job. However, what is its job? Isn't protecting the people and such its job? So, in essence, wouldn't what is morally correct also be law? Anyway, if it is a right to be married by the state, I guess for the sake of separation the state should allowed gays to be married, of course that does not in any way change my opinion about gay people and I still agree that religions in general should not marry gays. That is if, and only if, marriage is a right, which I don't know.
I'm not sure if I'm making any sense. There's a whole bunch of undeveloped ideas just floating around my head and I don't have time to think about them now with all these tests the teachers are cramming in before we go on break. Maybe during winter break I'll be able to think about this stuff some more.

Kalnuar: You can't prove they don't choose to be gay.
Aaron: During the Greek times, men would have sex with little boys until they got married, or something like that.
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Not everything is a choice. Some choices can be taken away as a consequence of making a bad previous choice (drugs). But practicing and being open about homosexuality is a choice. I don't know for sure whether thinking about homosexuality is a choice or not, because I haven't felt that feeling before and probably none of you either. That means you can't say that it is not a choice either.
Originally posted by Kalnaur
Sure homosexuals choose to be homosexual.

Just like retarded people choose to be retarded.

That's why you can trip retarded people and not care.
you know what, i don't see how that works
people are only homosexual because of the acts they commit
retards aren't retarded by the acts they commit
i can only become homo if i do homo things
i don't really think i can become retarded
you post just didn't function