I actually am against marriage in general, because marraige implies that there is some sacred bond betweet two individuals. The United States (supposedly) has a seperation between church and state, and by terming the union between two individuals as marriage, it is overstepping its boundaries as a civil entity.
The United States should rename what we consider marriage as civil unions. This compromise agrees with religion entirely, because churches may still maintain the belief that "marriage is between a man and a woman" (and therefore choose to 'wed' couples without actually bestowing any legal recognition) or whatever bullshit definition you pulled out of your ass Aaron (and it's a bullshit definition that you pulled out of your ass, wherever you've decided to take it from) and homosexuals can obtain legal status that married couples do.
Having said this, I AM TOTALLY AGAINST YOU AARON. I cannot believe that you would attempt to make our homosexual population second-class citizens by denying them the right to be recognized as a legal entity. While I doubt that our country will move toward civil unions, by denying homosexuals the right to marry, your opinion denies homosexuals basic human rights. I'm sure your glad that no one persecutes you, judges you, and by God, prays for you to 'get better' because you are a heterosexual. I am so completly disgusted with your opinion, it's not funny.
How can you speak for God, when you only spread a message of hate? I hate you, but most people wouldn't say I'm much of a Christian. But of course, since you hate the right kind of people (I bet your church even tries to convert homosexuals), you're probably a model Christian. You have no love for Christ. You have a love for your own petty ego, and you are weak and powerless because of it.