terminator show


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
How long WAS the terminator's penis? Longer than the penis of everybody involved in that show probably

Though, he DID take steroids, sooo....


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
man i watched the first episode on youtube and they got the years all wrong

nukes happened in 2003 not 2011 damnit


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
god this is gonna fuck up the continuity so bad isnt it


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
lol at episode 2

9/11? what's that?

and then they do this whole big spiel about it


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
you know, apart from blatant disregard for canon, the first four episodes really havent been that bad

are the next 5 a lot worse or what


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Ok I watched all of the eps except 5 and 6 which arent on youtube

that really wasnt that bad guys


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Everything. The terminator isn't awesome, a robot who understand feelings, big whoop. She's an obvious attempt to cash in on sex appeal to teenage boys. I think my picture up there highlighted that it fucking worked. She doesn't have any "special abilities". Her arm doesn't turn into a cannon, she can't morph into liquid, she is basically a much weaker version of the T-800, but then again this is because they don't have a budget to even attempt special effects.

John is a big crybaby pussy the whole time, hell he didn't cry all that much in Terminator 2 compared to this show. I wish he would just die so I wouldn't have to watch him cry anymore. Doesn't help the fact he acts like an emo faggot outside of the show too.

The mom is just fucking annoying, and isn't anything like the woman in the movie. She's not strong like in the movie, even though they try to make her to appear to be by having shitty dialogue like "Don't call me lady". Her cocky half smile she does 1000 times every episode pisses me off to no end, and makes me wish I could shove my fist through her face.

The dialogue itself is awful, the plotline continually contradicts itself or the movies, and they have gone on to apparently ignore T3 all together. They blew their entire load on the first episode which was the only decent one, after that it was just a bunch of poorly done episodes to string along for the rest of the season because the budget wouldn't allow them to do anything with lots of action, even though all the commercials hyping the show was about how the show was nonstop action. Wrong. Very wrong. There was usually only one death per episode, save the season priemere and finale. Even in the finale they didn't even show the deaths, just a bunch of bodies falling into the water.

The movies were groundbreaking, this show is just a cheap attempt to cash in on it. The actors are awful, it's pretty sad when the only believable character in the show is a side character. The terminators aren't scary, will never have the presence that Arnold had, and the show is more a trama teen fest, more than an action series. Quite frankly, am I supposed to believe the savior of mankind is crying and moaning because his mommy forgot his birthday? Or that this is the same character as John in T2?

This show has nothing to do with the Terminator movies, except the name and robots. If it wasn't based on Terminator, it would probably be half decent, but then again if it wasn't, I wouldn't watch it anyways. This show just seems to shit all over the terminator series, and is just another regular shit fox show. I wouldn't be surprised if this show got cancelled.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
no but really, thanks for typing out more than 'it sucks and you suck too'

it wasnt great but it certainly wasnt as bad as i thought it would be based on what was said here. there were some pretty cool moments.


Nov 10, 2003
I dont remember anything remotely cool besides some shit on the first episode.

I kept trying to give the show a chance and it just kept letting me down. I officially just LOST it when they had the terminator doing ballet. I understand them trying to show robots copying humans and all that like they did in the movie. however, it's totally different to have a 4 minute ballet scene than just having Arnold say "talk to the hand."
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Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
It was fun to watch it while making fun of it with logan. I didn't really think any parts are cool, well there was a couple, but not enough to make me like the show, but some were certainly more tolerable than others. I have no idea why John even goes to school... with robots constantly trying to kill you, and the fact you know the earth is FUCKED anyways, wouldn't it make more sense to hide out in a bunker than be out in public.

I see too many references to teen sitcoms that make me not like the show, especially compared to the adult theme the movies were. Then again, maybe it just sucks because no governator.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
I watched this again about a year or so ago, and I don't know if its because all the Terminator movies since have been AWFUL or TV in general has just gotten really putrid, but the show wasn't as bad as I remembered. It still wasn't great, but it went from like a 1.5/10 to maybe a 5/10.

I also really don't like Lena Headley in anything. She always makes that dumbass smug face like she just farted in your soup and you are about to eat it. She had the same expression in all of Game of Thrones too and that show didn't even have the decency to show her getting her shit kicked in like everyone else. UNBELIEVABLE.

Tweenies on Reddit fucking LOVE the Terminator show though. They say its the only good Terminator property since T2. That's not much of an accomplishment.