International Castration Day!


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003

Allow me to introduce myself...

My name is Krista, otherwise known as "The Femitheist". I am a female, and someone who believes strongly in True Equality.

Now, I will begin explaining this entry before I post the actual article... for your discussion, of course.

Women MUST and WILL have equality, and this is the ONLY way to achieve TRUE equality. The testicles of all males, which produce the majority of their testosterone, are the primary cause of their violent behavior. The testicles also attribute greatly to many of the health problems men experience later in life (such as prostate cancer and, of course, testicular cancer).

~:The Solution... International Castration Day.:~

It is my belief (which I consider factual based on my research) that all men SHOULD be castrated. Not only for their own safety, but for the safety of all innocent women and children.

And, to achieve this...

The entire world should have an international holiday known as: "Castration Day"

Males of all ages will be brought to the public squares of their cities nude, to stand together in a circle, as they await castration by a woman known as "The Castrator", who will be a woman chosen from the public much like a juror.

Girls of all ages will attend, lining the streets to cheer and applaud the males as they join the rest of civilized society.

It will be a free vacation for any working woman. And, young girls will be able to leave school to attend this glorious ceremony.

The males will then have one hour to get to know their Castrator. Their female "spouse" will also be able to choose whether or not they would like to milk the male in order to retain a sperm sample.

If the male is too young for a "spouse", their mother or closest female relative will decide.

After this, the men will be given anesthetics. They will be placed on a table, where their Castrator will then slice open their ball-sack, remove their testicles, and the excess skin, stitch them up and clean them up.

They will be given thirty minutes to rest after the procedure.

Once the males have all been castrated, they will be grouped together again for one last look before walking nude back to their homes.

The women will then return to their jobs, schools, et cetera, and rejoice in the completion of yet another successful ceremony.

Any man who tries to evade this holiday, "Castration Day", should be murdered wherever they are found (treated as a criminal, as it will be a crime not to attend). Or, forced to attend.

Regardless of age.

Any woman who disagrees should be provided therapy in order to free her from misogynistic indoctrination.

This holiday should replace the day known currently as: "Father's Day".

If this practice were adopted officially all across the world, all war, crime, and violence would end.

We would have a true Eutopia, where peace reigns, and men do only what they exist for...





Likewise, the change of their hormones would make them less aggressive, and thus less likely to rape. It would also provide them with better health throughout their life, as the testicles are a major cause of health issues in males as they age.

All will profit from this...

This will come to be someday soon.

Thanks for your consideration!

Sounds good.


Mar 5, 2011
It's nice that they're given 30 minutes to rest after the procedure. This really sounds like the sort of mature, reasonable, well thought-out plan our cousin would have, doesn't it, Casey? She sounds really pretty, too.

I just can't get on board, though. I like testosterone too much and although I'm not exactly enamored with testicles specifically, I hold absolutely no ill will toward them.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
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  • #5
Jesus Christ, do women really think like this?

Yep, we better kill em all now before they attempt their coup d'état.

At least the ugly ones.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
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  • #7
The ones who refuses to make a me a sandwich or show me their boobies, or both.


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
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  • #9




Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
Women don't get to make the choices when it comes to what sandwich to make


Yeah, that's right.
Nov 10, 2003
"Freakin' girls, if it wasn't for <s>the soft skin, the legs, the eyes, the long fingernails,</s> the butts, and the boobs, I wouldn't even talk to them!"


Nov 10, 2003
I had a sandwich today with that fancy mustard on it.

You could put that fancy mustard on a shoe and it would taste pretty good to me!


Nov 10, 2003
It was actually just plain yellow, I just wanted to quote the Big Stein.