Same-Sex Marriage

Should Jay be sodomized?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • No

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • He should grow hair instead!

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters
I don't know about Aaron, but I know I'm not homosexual because when I see a hot girl I'm "turned on", but I have yet to be "turned on" looking at a guy.
How am I being a hypocrite? Just because I don't like gays but I like lesbians? They are two totally different things and I can choose to like one and not the other.
brit actually had a good point
but things that happened to most gays as a child or in younger years caused them to become gay
You indirectly called Yoda stupid. He said something, then you said "the smart ones here..." this was obviously meant to mean he's dumb.

Oh, and girl on girl action is hot.
wtf? this has nothing to do with same sex marriage
who cares about how smart he is
Notice my word choice. I don't like GAYS... as in boy on boy. I do like LESBIANS as in girl on girl. They both fall under the category of homosexual, but they separate from there.
Link182, that has never been more appropriate.
You think what's pretty gay?
Hehe. That was the best meaningless post in this thread yet, Link. It is pretty messed up to hate gays but suppoert lesbians. Anyways.
Gay is not just a term for homosexual men. It is used for women too. It is not separate. You only think it is, because it suits your needs to quickly define things.

Put it this way, Yoda: You like seeing to attractive women together in the throes of passion, but the same image in your mind, involving men, causes you to want to vomit violently.

Is that close?